Filament7mo ago

image upload using URL

Has anyone managed to create a way to upload media via URL to the https://filamentphp.com/plugins/filament-spatie-media-library plugin? What I've managed to do so far is this:
->live(onBlur: true)
->action(function ($record, Get $get, Set $set, $state, \Filament\Forms\Components\Component $component) {
$contents = file_get_contents($state);
$fileName = Str::ulid();
$extension = pathinfo($state, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$fileNameWithExtension = $fileName . '.' . $extension;
$filePath = 'livewire-tmp/' . $fileNameWithExtension;

// $SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload = $component->getContainer()->getComponent(fn ($childComponent) => $childComponent->getName() === 'media');

$storage = Storage::disk('local');

$storage->put($filePath, $contents);

$tempFile = TemporaryUploadedFile::createFromLivewire($fileNameWithExtension);

$media = $get('media');
$media[Str::uuid()->toString()] = $tempFile;

$set('media', $media);

$set('url', null);
->live(onBlur: true)
->action(function ($record, Get $get, Set $set, $state, \Filament\Forms\Components\Component $component) {
$contents = file_get_contents($state);
$fileName = Str::ulid();
$extension = pathinfo($state, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$fileNameWithExtension = $fileName . '.' . $extension;
$filePath = 'livewire-tmp/' . $fileNameWithExtension;

// $SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload = $component->getContainer()->getComponent(fn ($childComponent) => $childComponent->getName() === 'media');

$storage = Storage::disk('local');

$storage->put($filePath, $contents);

$tempFile = TemporaryUploadedFile::createFromLivewire($fileNameWithExtension);

$media = $get('media');
$media[Str::uuid()->toString()] = $tempFile;

$set('media', $media);

$set('url', null);
However, nothing appears on the form and when I try to save it, an empty error occurs.
Spatie Media Library by Filament - Filament
Filament support for Spatie's Laravel Media Library package.
8 Replies
neverything7mo ago
I get a lot of imports, but don't have a field for the URL, but maybe it helps you to use this:
try {
$image = $model->addMediaFromUrl($image_url)
} catch (FileCannotBeAdded $e) {
$image = null;
try {
$image = $model->addMediaFromUrl($image_url)
} catch (FileCannotBeAdded $e) {
$image = null;
$model would be your Model that has media attached and the $collection is the collection name.
LuizOP7mo ago
that worked great! Now I need reload the SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload because I need refresh the page to see the image. Do you know how do this?
mile48417mo ago
how did you display the image in the table
neverything7mo ago
Not yet, I am going to work on this again in a few weeks. My current plan: Use Laravel Reverb to send an event to my Filament table (see Spatie Media Library Events https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-medialibrary/v11/advanced-usage/consuming-events) to trigger and update.
neverything7mo ago
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Silvan Hagen ⚡️ (@neverything)
Filament tip: Don't forget to add the conversion with a small preview unless you really need to load the original image 😅 when using the Spatie Media Library plugin. Before you ask, yes, I was wondering why the images are taking ages to load 🤦‍♂️
mile48417mo ago
What if i have a case where in mine db i first use custom logic for storing images and now i have to use spatie, but on the production i still have the images that are made with custom logic
neverything7mo ago
You could write a custom artisan command to import the images into the Spatie Media Library, that's probably what I would do.
mile48417mo ago
thanks i will do it

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