Ptyxis opening on startup

I'm having an issue where ptyxis opens upon logging into KDE every single time without me having changed any setting to make it do so. I can't remember exactly when this started happening but it was a month or two ago. I've tried resetting all dconf settings I could see related to it in dconf editor, I've tried looking through my autostart settings in KDE, I've looked in my bash_profile and other files that could make things start up on login, I've changed my default terminal to konsole, and still I just can't seem to diagnose why this is happening. If anyone could help it would be very much appreciated.
39 Replies
DevilFish3033mo ago
would you say this started happening after you switched the default terminal to konsole? not implying that is the issue, but would be a good hint to figure out how this could've happened. i switched back to konsole myself with the now hidden ujust command, but never experienced this before. Can you print out the contents of /etc/xdg/autostart? ls -la /etc/xdg/autostart | fpaste
Daph3mo ago
Thanks for the response. It started before I switched the default terminal if I remember correctly. I do remember switching it to konsole afterwards to see if that would solve the issue but it didn't. Here's the contents of that directory:
DevilFish3033mo ago
nothing stands out, i’ll compare it to my start up files. If you reboot and ptyxis comes up, what is it displaying? just a new terminal session? without closing it, does it have a parent pid? if you look at it from htop can you see what parent process owns it? have you also checked if it’s not being started via a cronjob?
Daph3mo ago
When I open it it's just a blank terminal session. Not sure if I'm looking at the right thing in htop/btop but it says the parent process is systemd I think. I can't see it in /etc/crontab either
DevilFish3033mo ago
okay so we need to check what systemd services you have that run on startup systemctl list-unit-files --type=service --state=enabled | fpaste please as for htop, you just enter htop make sure its set to tree view and then it should look something like this
Daph3mo ago
In the tree view it seems to be under systemd. It launches at /usr/bin/ptyxis --gapplication-service
DevilFish3033mo ago
okay so its definitely a systemd service, we can find the culprit with a find command
DevilFish3033mo ago
these are the ones i do not have:
lactd.service enabled disabled mullvad-daemon.service enabled disabled mullvad-early-boot-blocking.service enabled disabled sunshine-workaround.service enabled disabled
unlikely to be sunshine or lactd, can you do systemctl on mullvad-daemon.service and mullvad-early-boot-block.service and open their unit files to look at the contents?
Daph3mo ago
emi@bazzite:/var/home/emi$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/mullvad-daemon.service
# Systemd service unit file for the Mullvad VPN daemon
# testing if new changes are added

Description=Mullvad VPN daemon
After=mullvad-early-boot-blocking.service NetworkManager.service systemd-resolved.service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps
Environment="MULLVAD_RESOURCE_DIR=/opt/Mullvad VPN/resources/"

emi@bazzite:/var/home/emi$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/mullvad-daemon.service
# Systemd service unit file for the Mullvad VPN daemon
# testing if new changes are added

Description=Mullvad VPN daemon
After=mullvad-early-boot-blocking.service NetworkManager.service systemd-resolved.service


ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-daemon -v --disable-stdout-timestamps
Environment="MULLVAD_RESOURCE_DIR=/opt/Mullvad VPN/resources/"

emi@bazzite:/var/home/emi$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/mullvad-early-boot-blocking.service
# Systemd service unit file to block all traffic during early boot.
# This is required since almost no distributions use a ``,
# which implies it's difficult to ensure that the daemon will start and block
# traffic before any network configuration will be applied.
Description=Mullvad early boot network blocker
DefaultDependencies=no mullvad-daemon.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-daemon --initialize-early-boot-firewall

emi@bazzite:/var/home/emi$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/mullvad-early-boot-blocking.service
# Systemd service unit file to block all traffic during early boot.
# This is required since almost no distributions use a ``,
# which implies it's difficult to ensure that the daemon will start and block
# traffic before any network configuration will be applied.
Description=Mullvad early boot network blocker
DefaultDependencies=no mullvad-daemon.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mullvad-daemon --initialize-early-boot-firewall

DevilFish3033mo ago
okay try this: sudo find / -type f -exec grep -l '/usr/bin/ptyxis --gapplication-service' {} +
Daph3mo ago
seems to be stuck
emi@bazzite:/var/home/emi$ sudo find / -type f -exec grep -l '/usr/bin/ptyxis --gapplication-service' {} +
grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register: Invalid argument
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush: Permission denied
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/enp14s0/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wg0-mullvad/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlp15s0/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/route/flush: Permission denied
grep: /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory: Permission denied
grep: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied
emi@bazzite:/var/home/emi$ sudo find / -type f -exec grep -l '/usr/bin/ptyxis --gapplication-service' {} +
grep: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register: Invalid argument
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush: Permission denied
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/enp14s0/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/lo/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wg0-mullvad/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlp15s0/stable_secret: Input/output error
grep: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/route/flush: Permission denied
grep: /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory: Permission denied
grep: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied
DevilFish3033mo ago
it takes a while that command is searching everywhere
Daph3mo ago
alright thanks for the help so far btw
DevilFish3033mo ago
this might be better: sudo find / -type f -exec grep -Hn 'ptyxis' {} + there's a way to exclude /proc and maybe /sys, but i don't remember how atm 😅
Daph3mo ago
that's alright I don't mind waiting
DevilFish3033mo ago
finally had a chance to check this list, it looks identical to mine
Daph3mo ago
hopefully that's a good thing those find commands are still running
DevilFish3033mo ago
if its taking too long for comfort you can try executing them like: sudo find /etc -type f -exec grep -Hn 'ptyxis' {} + sudo find /usr -type f -exec grep -Hn 'ptyxis' {} + those would be the two places where i would expect the systemd service that is running on boot up to live oh! i thought of something else systemctl --user list-unit-files --type=service --state=enabled your user specific systemd services that are running on startup
Daph3mo ago
here's the output of that:
bazzite-user-setup.service enabled disabled
dbus-broker.service enabled enabled
obex.service enabled enabled
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service enabled enabled
wireplumber.service enabled enabled

5 unit files listed.
bazzite-user-setup.service enabled disabled
dbus-broker.service enabled enabled
obex.service enabled enabled
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service enabled enabled
wireplumber.service enabled enabled

5 unit files listed.
DevilFish3033mo ago
yea they look exactly like mine T_T nothing in ~/.config/autostart? and here ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env or here: ~/.config/plasma-workspace/shutdown
Daph3mo ago
i have these in ~/.config/autostart mullvad-vpn.desktop ublue-firstboot.desktop but none in either of the others
DevilFish3033mo ago
what are the contents of mullvad-vpn? im starting to get suspicious it has something to do with that, that seems to be the discrepancy between your setup and mine
Daph3mo ago
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Mullvad VPN client
Exec="/opt/Mullvad VPN/mullvad-vpn" %U
Name=Mullvad VPN
StartupWMClass=Mullvad VPN
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Mullvad VPN client
Exec="/opt/Mullvad VPN/mullvad-vpn" %U
Name=Mullvad VPN
StartupWMClass=Mullvad VPN
it could be this, although i have another computer with mullvad autostarting and ptyxis doesnt' show up on there
DevilFish3033mo ago
if you were to temporarily remove it, just copy it to you home directory, and maybe disable the systemd services for mullvad, and see if that fixes it
Daph3mo ago
i'll try that Just rebooted and it still opened
DevilFish3033mo ago
this was after disabling all mullvad systemd services? what about turning off lact and sunshine systemd services, that was also the discrepancy i found with systemd startup services between yours and mine, but thought they were fine
Daph3mo ago
I can try that it was after disabling all mullvad stuff
DevilFish3033mo ago
btw i found this after digging through my PC, so i changed the default terminal for my user account, but for root, i think it may be using this etc/kdeglobals, never seen this file before
No description
DevilFish3033mo ago
i was thinking if it is a systemd service, most likely its a process running as root, and its reading the TerminalApplication from somewhere global, and found this
Daph3mo ago
I'll check that I just rebooted after disabling all those services and it still opened My result looks the same as yours
DevilFish3033mo ago
a crap okay im a bit out of ideas, the only thing i can think of at this point is try making a throw away user account, login as that and see if it still opens, if it does not, it may be an issue with your existing user account, but i am stumped at this point 😦
Daph3mo ago
i'll try that. Thanks for your help, I'll keep researching doesn't happen on a second user account
DevilFish3033mo ago
okay silver lining! but now to find out why, one idea is you could replace the dot files from this second account over on your primary account (making sure you back them up first), sudo chown -R them to your old account and then log back in to your old account and see if that fixes it this is what i usually resort to when i want to take advantage of KDE updates without having to reimage, it will reset your desktop customizations and other user settings, but other than that it should be okay to proceed
Daph3mo ago
i'll definitely keep that in mind, but i think I'll do a bit more research first because I don't want to reset everything unless I can't find another solution. I'd just rather not have to set up everything from scratch again if I can avoid it
DevilFish3033mo ago
understandable! it’s a total drag resetting, i’ll chime in again if i think of anything
wolfyreload3mo ago
Do you have the Desktop Session >> Session Restore >> "When Session was manually saved" by any chance? That has messed me around a lot with KDE in the past and I kept having firefox starting with the laptop.... was super annoying...
No description
Daph3mo ago
Thanks for the suggestion. It wasn't set to that, it was "on last logout". But setting it to "start with an empty session" fixed it!!! Thanks so much!
wolfyreload3mo ago
Glad that helped
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