19 Replies
help, please.
Yo @Antique Critique who is your internet provider and where do you play from.
ISP: BlueNet
Country: Bangladesh
@Kenji-San this happened before one time but it happened to a lot of players and it was fixed
about a month or two ago
let me see if I find the thread
maybe that will help you
you guys fixed it in a week
idk maybe theyre related
hopefully it helps tho
@Antique Critique can you drop me a DM with traceroute towards
thank you
how is your ping towards Mumbai servers btw
but please bro I beg you dont make me play there
I used to have less ping on SG
ye I'm on it
without VPN please if you use one
done 👀
hey @Antique Critique got this partially fixed, latency should be down to 50-60 for Singapore, but I see some packetloss now which is not good. need to work on this more but give it a shot and let us know how is the experience

lmao we got the same problem im from bangladesh too
but mines problematic with both mumbai and singapore
@Spooderomen is your ISP BlueNet as well ?
No it's DDN
Alright I'll hop in the game rn
@Kenji-San yeah there is a bit of packet loss and up and down in ping

Last night when I played ping was mostly at 50, sometimes jumping to 80's
Thank you so much for working on this 🙏
@Kenji-San yo dude me and my friend are getting insanely high ping in every server
and its only in val
no other games
@Spooderomen you should have around 50-55ms towards Mumbai frim Digital Dot Net ISP