Created by Spooderomen on 7/5/2024 in #community-help
Insane fps drop in the new act
last act i used to get around 250-280 fps. now i get like 100 and that also spikes alot. i also saw some other reddit posts with this problem and to anyone whos asking my specs are : i5 12th gen laptop edition, rtx 2050, 16 gb of ddr4 ram and a 144hz display(all drivers are updated).
1 replies
Created by Spooderomen on 6/20/2024 in #community-help
valorant freeze
After launching Valorant, it starts up and loads without issue. However, whenever I attempt to interact by right-clicking, the game freezes automatically, necessitating that I end the task via Task Manager. My laptop, an MSI Thin GF63 UCX, boasts specs well above the recommended requirements with an RTX 2050, 12th gen i5 processor, and 16 GB of RAM, along with ample storage. This issue is unique to Valorant; other games run smoothly without any problems. Despite reinstalling Valorant and ensuring my Windows and drivers are up to date, the problem persists.
2 replies
Created by Spooderomen on 6/18/2024 in #community-help
Ap Gift Card
Where can I buy ap gift card? My cousin wants to gift it to me but he lives outside and doesn't have a pc. Where can he buy a global/AP gift card?
8 replies
Created by Spooderomen on 7/27/2023 in #community-help
i got hacked
i got hacked and now i cant log back in. he changed the email and everything his name is humai1n in discord he is in the lfg. i already sent a support ticket but no reply and he said hes gonna hack on my account what do i do.
12 replies