Area where only void is shown when really high up
When I go really high up, there is an area at the top of the screen, from a certain height on the screen upwards, proportional to the angle that I am looking but not covering the whole screen and it seems it only covers up to a certain height. the area of screen covered seems to increase with height. here is a video:
11 Replies

I'm not a DH dev but I can tell you with high certainty that you've simply reached the maximum draw distance. This is not a bug, just a limitation
yep, hitting the far clip plane
Can’t the far clip plane be increased?
I mean not in settings right now, but it should be possible to add such setting
The far clip plane is directly tied to the DH render distance, increasing DH’s render distance will increase the far clip plane.
when rendering you want the far clip plane to be as close as possible to prevent precision loss.
Manual override would still be cool
also a bit unnecessary though, as the only time you encounter it is when you fly thousands and thousands of blocks into the air
you cant have a config option for every minute detail
Not really, if the Far Plane is set to the DH RD it will be a sphere and the RD (without fog) a square, so every corner above and below you on the edge will be cut
it is tied to the render distance though, not equal to
yeah it's a minor issue
only problem is i can't take very cool screenshots
screenshots from that high up aren't really all that great I wouldn't say
you can see the edge of the terrain so obviously
not to mention the Perlin noise