Black screen when launching Open Brush
Oculus Quest 2
OpenBrush_Quest_2.7.0.apk from github.
Install via SideQuest, success.
But when I run, logo open brush loadind and ... black screen and I have been logout to home screen of oculus.
This is not helped me "Try renaming your Documents/Open Brush folder to force a clean new config".
Try OpenBrush_OpenXR_2.7.55.apk, but same problem.
4 Replies
Any reason you're not installing it directly from a regular App Store?
Not that that should make a difference - just curious.
Ohhh, I tried, but same problem
Hmmm, can I make downgrade firmware?
I’ve heard the most recent firmware has had some cert errors and apps are failing to open because of it
hmmm, and how it solve?