Page Filters with InfoLists not working

I have a lot going on here and not too sure whats causing what. So currently happening: I can change a filter and the response will update, but if I remove the filter back to "select a x". The data goes blank, I want this to reset that filter and display all data as normal (well, minus that filter I just removed). Is it possible to get the table style filters instead, that may be easier?
1 Reply
Jamie Cee
Jamie Cee4mo ago
My class...
class Report extends Page implements HasForms, HasInfolists
use InteractsWithForms, InteractsWithInfolists, HasFiltersForm, WithPagination;
use InteractsWithPageFilters;

protected $data = [];
public int | string $perPage = 2;

protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

protected static string $view = '';

protected static ?string $title = 'Reports';

protected static ?string $slug = 'reports';

public function mount(): void
$this->data['spend'] = $this->getFilteredSpend();
class Report extends Page implements HasForms, HasInfolists
use InteractsWithForms, InteractsWithInfolists, HasFiltersForm, WithPagination;
use InteractsWithPageFilters;

protected $data = [];
public int | string $perPage = 2;

protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

protected static string $view = '';

protected static ?string $title = 'Reports';

protected static ?string $slug = 'reports';

public function mount(): void
$this->data['spend'] = $this->getFilteredSpend();
public function filtersForm(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([
->placeholder('Select a board')

->placeholder('Select a client')

->placeholder('Select an organisation')

->placeholder('Select a task')
public function filtersForm(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([
->placeholder('Select a board')

->placeholder('Select a client')

->placeholder('Select an organisation')

->placeholder('Select a task')
* Our infolist record
* @param Infolist $infolist
* @return Infolist
public function productInfolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
/* Get filtered spend records */
$spend = $this->getFilteredSpend();

/* We need to redefine this for pagination */
$this->data['spend'] = $spend;

/* Map the data, including organisations due to many to many relation */
$arr = $spend->map(function ($item) {
/* Transform organisations into a comma-separated string */
$organisations = collect($item->task->board->project->client->organisations);
$organisationNames = $organisations->pluck('name')->implode(', ');

return [
'id' => $item->id, // Spend ID
'time_in_minutes' => $item->time_in_minutes, // Time spend

/* Task */
'task_id' => $item->task->getKey(), // Task Name
'task_name' => $item->task->name,
'task_desc' => $item->task->name,
'task_estimation' => $item->task->estimation,

/* Project */
'project_id' => $item->task->board->project->getKey(), // Project ID
'project_name' => $item->task->board->project->name, // Project Name

/* Budget */
'budget_id' => $item->budget->id, // Budget ID
'budget_name' => $item->budget->name, // Budget Name

/* Board */
'board_id' => $item->task->board->getKey(),
'board' => $item->task->board->name,

'organisations' => $organisationNames,
'client' => $item->task->board->project->client->name,
'owner' => $item->user->email,
* Our infolist record
* @param Infolist $infolist
* @return Infolist
public function productInfolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist
/* Get filtered spend records */
$spend = $this->getFilteredSpend();

/* We need to redefine this for pagination */
$this->data['spend'] = $spend;

/* Map the data, including organisations due to many to many relation */
$arr = $spend->map(function ($item) {
/* Transform organisations into a comma-separated string */
$organisations = collect($item->task->board->project->client->organisations);
$organisationNames = $organisations->pluck('name')->implode(', ');

return [
'id' => $item->id, // Spend ID
'time_in_minutes' => $item->time_in_minutes, // Time spend

/* Task */
'task_id' => $item->task->getKey(), // Task Name
'task_name' => $item->task->name,
'task_desc' => $item->task->name,
'task_estimation' => $item->task->estimation,

/* Project */
'project_id' => $item->task->board->project->getKey(), // Project ID
'project_name' => $item->task->board->project->name, // Project Name

/* Budget */
'budget_id' => $item->budget->id, // Budget ID
'budget_name' => $item->budget->name, // Budget Name

/* Board */
'board_id' => $item->task->board->getKey(),
'board' => $item->task->board->name,

'organisations' => $organisationNames,
'client' => $item->task->board->project->client->name,
'owner' => $item->user->email,
This goes with above...
return $infolist
->state(['spend' => $arr])

return $infolist
->state(['spend' => $arr])

* Handle form submission and update the data.
public function formSubmit()
$this->data['spend'] = $this->getFilteredSpend();

* Get the filtered data based on request parameters
* @return LengthAwarePaginator
protected function getFilteredSpend(): LengthAwarePaginator
if (!empty($this->filters)) {
$filters = $this->filters;
} else {
$filters = [];

$spend = SpendService::meilisearch($filters);

return $spend->paginate($this->perPage);
* Handle form submission and update the data.
public function formSubmit()
$this->data['spend'] = $this->getFilteredSpend();

* Get the filtered data based on request parameters
* @return LengthAwarePaginator
protected function getFilteredSpend(): LengthAwarePaginator
if (!empty($this->filters)) {
$filters = $this->filters;
} else {
$filters = [];

$spend = SpendService::meilisearch($filters);

return $spend->paginate($this->perPage);
So if I choose a filter, then take it off, I have to hard refresh to get the data back. Rather than a live update Ohh, it turns out that if removed, $this->filters still has the keys as empty strings rather than going back to null
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