(2.1.3a) Sudden geometry formation error when entering the nether

I am running Fabric, Merged build under Arch Linux (Plasma KDE) with Nvidia Drivers in Singleplayer. No log errors occured. Image of the issue below along with a screenshot of my mods list in MultiMC. (iris is disabled due to 2.1.3a having them API changes which broke Iris Compat.) In terms of what caused this, I have no idea, all I did was enter the nether and I just see this very very wack geometry formation
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7 Replies
2.1.3a broke iris compat?
Zonix5d ago
Temporary, DH API had changes that Iris will need to update to for 2.1.3a That was expected, James did mention it here: https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/881749094308139008/1257112728837947505 2.1.3a is doing some new stuff with rendering to support Beacon Beams in LODs and make some other things possible to the DH API with what my understanding is for 2.1.3a
Oh what a coincidence, I tested the dh serverside 2.1.3a yesterday at midnight and it still worked on my timezone James' message was 7 am yesterday I only tested mellow shader doe So idk
Zonix5d ago
Yeah, for me the message was at 12:10am today Likely it's a dependancy of what shader does what I use Complimentary Shaders currently, though I will switch to a new shader known as "Bloop" soon when they release the colored lighting update that adds a few more things too Complimentary just crashes when you enable on 2.1.3a and load a world/are in a world That's just down to Iris not supporting the API that is used in DH 2.1.3a though
Miki_P985d ago
Does it move with you?
Zonix5d ago
Nope, it didn't move with me I did end up reloading my world and that fixed it
Ominous black polygon in the middle of the nether https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1255887711269556244 Seems similar to this