Action button mess-up

We mess up the action button. We don't know how to revert to originals, Anyone know how to fix this!
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6 Replies
johnllobrera2w ago
This is probably by vendor or to our css?????
Did you customize the css? Are you using the Panel builder?
johnllobrera2w ago
we just edit the welcome page of laravel the rest is all filament we use tailwindcss
php artisan filament:upgrade will clear cache and publish assets.. maybe this can help you
Matthew2w ago
The code might be helpful. (version control even more so, get yourselves on a git platform)
johnllobrera2w ago
will try this out and get our app in github, my co-developer mess this up and now I will help him solve this. Thanks everyone for helping out. WIll update if it fix the problem