login token

For login in the dashboard asking for login token but i didn't get the token in mail and i was also not getting any mail from cloudflare like no mail for password reset etc.
5 Replies
Erisa2w ago
Flare2w ago
These links may help, but they only work when logged out. You can always use an Incognito Window or a Private Window to ensure you're logged out. If you know the email: https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-password If you know the email and have 2FA issues: https://dash.cloudflare.com/login-help If you don’t know the email: https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-email
vishal Yadav
vishal Yadav2w ago
not account recovery i remember the email and password but for the login i nedt login token which should be send by cloudflare through mail but i didn't get the mail of login token
Erisa2w ago
See "if you know the email and have 2FA issues"
vishal Yadav
vishal Yadav2w ago