uh, hi everyone i’m really not

uh, hi everyone i’m really not knowledgeable on this stuff but i got the advanced certificate and a bunch of subdomains, but one of my workers, that i deployed with my Debian Raspberrypi with Vue3 and Vite is now pointing all of my subdomains to “fallback domain” which stupidly enough, is - by my own admission- my root domain. now i’ve changed the fallback but cloudflare hasn’t validated the root cert in 48h, while all subdomains are instantly ready. so i guess my question is, if my worker is removed, does it delete all subs? i’m ashamed of it but that’s the worker and i’m able to configure it but idk why and when i made it
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40 Replies
Chaika9mo ago
Can you clarify what you mean more? Fallback domain is a CF for SaaS term, are you using that? You have a root certificate -- your universal, not validating?
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
wait a sec im totally new, rushed into this without looking at docs
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
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louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
damn that took long sorry
Chaika9mo ago
So the point of CF for SaaS is so you can point external domains into your own config. If you want to use Workers with CF for SaaS, you need a specific setup: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-for-platforms/cloudflare-for-saas/start/advanced-settings/worker-as-origin/ As Workers Routes see the request url as from the external hostname/domain, and not to your fallback.
Cloudflare Docs
Workers as your fallback origin · Cloudflare for Platforms docs
Learn how to use a Worker as the fallback origin for your SaaS zone.
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
uh no im totally rivale private*
Chaika9mo ago
If you just wanted to add your own websites to your worker, you can just use Worker Custom Domains under the Worker Settings -> Triggers tab
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
just wanted subdomains, gonna guess that’s not how its meant to be done i am
Chaika9mo ago
Yea, you can just add them as Custom Domains to your Workers. CF For SaaS (Custom Hostnames) is a whole different use case lol
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
but its catching all of them
Chaika9mo ago
sounds like you made a worker route?
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
lemme see
Chaika9mo ago
Inside of the dashboard if you go to your website, it'd be under the "Worker Routes" tab
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
yes that’s the one i posted
Chaika9mo ago
wydm? The one picture of the dashboard you posted as Custom Hostnames tab
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
no the hello world thing sorry - that’s the worker: // src/index.ts var src_default = { async fetch(request, env, ctx) { return new Response("Hello World!"); } }; export { src_default as default }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map is it the src_default ?
Chaika9mo ago
The thing you are trying to debug right now is why all your subdomains are pointing to your worker?
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
Chaika9mo ago
that has nothing to do with the code itself Check under "Worker Routes" tab in your website in Cloudflare
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
there’s one
Chaika9mo ago
what's the route?
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
but it points to the actual vue3vite site like the default „you did it“
Chaika9mo ago
can you send a screenshot of the worker routes page, censoring anything if needed?
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
its inactive appearently
Chaika9mo ago
That's not your workers routes page
Chaika9mo ago
No description
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
i dm´d u
Chaika9mo ago
you dm'd a screenshot of your pages custom domain. Pages Custom Domains cannot be wildcard and do not have the ability to capture requests to all subdomains, espec ones inactive
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
it was working when i started typing this though 😦 yea ok this is just wasting your time now sorry, but if you’re free i`d take any advice, the docs are gibberish to me idk how to do this
Chaika9mo ago
You described a specific issue of a worker overmatching traffic, I told you what you could check. Worker Routes are the only way Workers could match all subdomains. I can't help you if you're unwilling to help yourself
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
im sorry man youre right tho shoulda asked youtube first
Chaika9mo ago
you're fine, I just can't help you without more info. If you're asking for generic advice, remove all your custom hostnames and ignore that section it's not going to help you. Remove any Worker Routes. You want Worker Custom Domains for Workers (under settings -> Triggers) and Pages Custom Domains for Pages. If your Pages Custom Domain is broken, remove it and readd it -- chances are you messed up the auto created dns record at some point. Pages is a project for serving full stack apps, Workers are serverless code, they both can sort of do the same tasks but slightly different. You're making it harder for yourself then it needs to be lol
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
i sent you triggers i don’t understand half that but ill try that thanks i know i installed wrangler on a pi for this im sure i could’ve just created a page but i wouldn’t know how to configure that
Chaika9mo ago
there's no wildcard on that worker at least what are you trying to do, exactly? Your end goal is to not have that subdomain use the worker?
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
nah i don’t even know how to use a worker i thought it was for subdomains :(( can i just delete this without harm?
Chaika9mo ago
Well what do you want on the landing subdomain? the worker? Yea, just remove all the custom domains and routes, you can always recreate, it's just a simple hello world
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
originally a homepage but then, my autism kicked in 12th gear and i went down some high level server document rabbithole
Chaika9mo ago
I'll be afk for a bit but if you could describe your end goal that would be easier. Workers are for serverless code, not just subdomains. You can do a lot with them though
louis.ecxsOP9mo ago
so i forgot about that and added home and homepage end goal: multiple subdomains for root which i can manually configure as a noob can’t find normal subdomains tab- if there’s one
Chaika9mo ago
like, serving what you have on your root, on various subdomains?

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