Stuck on verifying installation for about 1 hour

Hey i have a problem my computer is stuck on verifying installation for about 1-2 hours after switching to game mode. Any tips ?
8 Replies
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo9mo ago
verifying installation is a steam thing, it is only checking your steam install we have no part in what it does or how it works might try deleting ~/.steam and re-launching it, something is clearly buggy if it's taking longer than a couple seconds
Olivier メ
Olivier メOP9mo ago
Ok but how to get back at desktop mode ?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo9mo ago
control+alt+f4 login steamos-session-select plasma
Olivier メ
Olivier メOP9mo ago
Ok thx Its still stuck even after i deleted ~/.steam On verifying
zany1308mo ago
Hmm getting this to ever fixed it @Olivier メ ? Tried deleting steam with no luck Ahh figured it out. It's because Ethernet was not setup to auto connect. Had to but into the desktop like this and set my Ethernet adapter to auto connect
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo8mo ago
steam moment really should be a soft failure in that scenario
zany1308mo ago
Yeah kinda dumb cuz in the setup wizard of steam it asks u to configure your internet and then it updates So no idea why it needs Internet before that
Catterwaul7mo ago
Really appreciate your question, @Olivier メ , and the advice @Kyle Gospo/@zany130! I was stuck in the same spot and this got me moving forward a little … it’s still hanging, but at least I know how to get back to the Desktop. 😂 Anyone know if there’s a way that we can get this added to the Wiki/troubleshooting docs?

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