Filament9mo ago

FileUpload bug - Some files a are missing after uploaded.

When I try to upload multiple files, after the uploading couple of files are missing. this incident is absolutely random. In the below picture I have tried to upload 5 files in two sections. All are same files. In applicationFiles(top one) all 5 files were uploaded, but in the result_files section one file is missing. I have also attache the screen shot of the folder section. The leftover file is in livewire-tmp folder.
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47 Replies
danilo6mo ago
Hi, I've got the same problem, I've an action for the multiple upload, and when I put the debugger in the foreach in the code below, the $data array already is missing some files...
->action(function (array $data, $record) {
->title(__('The images are being transformed, soon you will be able to see them'))
foreach ($data['images'] as $fileName){
ImageService::handleImageUpload($fileName, $record);
->action(function (array $data, $record) {
->title(__('The images are being transformed, soon you will be able to see them'))
foreach ($data['images'] as $fileName){
ImageService::handleImageUpload($fileName, $record);
Also no errors are reported in the storage/log/laravel.log file
Matthew6mo ago
Anything in the filenames that could be confusing the array into thinking one complete filename is actually 2 or more (incomplete) filenames.? Is it always the same files missing ?
danilo6mo ago
Hi, the files have all different names, and the missing ones changes from one try to the other, I'm attaching a couple screenshots in this case is the file with name .._06... missing
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danilo6mo ago
*sorry ..._04... is missing
danilo6mo ago
I've re-ran it and now the ..._00.. is missing
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danilo6mo ago
other times more than one file is missing, sometimes all files are uploaded...
jouni.i6mo ago
how about if you try to upload about 4 files same time ? still missing files ?
danilo6mo ago
Hi, I've just tried uploading only 4 files, the first two times it uploaded all of them, the third time one was missing
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jouni.i6mo ago
you use valet or something else ?
danilo6mo ago
this is with sail on linux, but the same happens to other devs on windows and on the staging server, running linux with PHP-fpm behind nginx (in docker)
jouni.i6mo ago
php-fpm log not show any error ?
danilo6mo ago
I haven't checked on the server (but it's in production as far as APP_ENV is concerned), but on my PC it appears the missing files are never received within the array of uploaded $data in the action, I'll expand the code below to have a better context, but with the debugger, in the foreach line $data is already missing the files
return $form
->directory(function ($record) {
return $record->id . '/' . Carbon::now()->format('Y.m.d_H.m.s');
->action(function (array $data, $record) {
->title(__('The images are being transformed, soon you will be able to see them'))
foreach ($data['images'] as $fileName){
ImageService::handleImageUpload($fileName, $record);

return $form
->directory(function ($record) {
return $record->id . '/' . Carbon::now()->format('Y.m.d_H.m.s');
->action(function (array $data, $record) {
->title(__('The images are being transformed, soon you will be able to see them'))
foreach ($data['images'] as $fileName){
ImageService::handleImageUpload($fileName, $record);

I'll try on the server now
jouni.i6mo ago
if you're doing a four-file transfer, for example, so. are you able to track which file drops out of them and is it the last file whose upload is complete
danilo6mo ago
As these example files have 00, 01, 02, ... in their filename, in the upload modal it processes two of them at a time, starting from the first two. When they are at 100% it starts with the next two and so on. They are in alphabetical order, so no it's not always the last file to be uploaded that is skipped. Also, with multiple uploads of the same files the missing files changes between tries
jouni.i6mo ago
that i mean.. file upload size or request time out possible php issue then that is randomized but that issue found in php-fpm log
danilo6mo ago
(Oh, ok, maybe I need to check in the broser develop tabs then, I'll check it) meanwhile on the server I've run a few tests, the first two uploads worked with all files there, the third one was missing a file but there isn't any log on the php-fpm side, nor in the storage/log/laravel.log file
jouni.i6mo ago
->action(function (array $data, $record) { Notification::make() ->title(__('The images are being transformed, soon you will be able to see them')) ->info() ->send(); foreach ($data['images'] as $fileName){ ImageService::handleImageUpload($fileName, $record); }
print me dd($data) before notification
danilo6mo ago
array:1 [▼
0 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch00_VIS_00_x4.tif"
1 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch02_VIS_02_x4.tif"
2 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch03_VIS_03_x4.tif"
3 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch04_VIS_04_x4.tif"
4 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch06_VIS_06_x4.tif"
array:1 [▼
0 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch00_VIS_00_x4.tif"
1 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch02_VIS_02_x4.tif"
2 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch03_VIS_03_x4.tif"
3 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch04_VIS_04_x4.tif"
4 => "2dModel/1/2024.09.09_06.09.22/Ch06_VIS_06_x4.tif"
Here it's missing 2 files, the 01 and the 05
jouni.i6mo ago
ok then try files where size is slow example something test png images
danilo6mo ago
ok, even though I should have set it so that 3.5 Mb shouldn't be a problem, anyway I'm creating the files and testing it, thankds I've created 9 very small (1000x1000 px) images, around 1Kb each, and tried uploading them twice, each time it was missing some files these are all identical files (I've created an image with GIMP and copied it over to all these new files
jouni.i6mo ago
images found in livewire-tmp folder ? and you use php8.2 or 8.1 ?
danilo6mo ago
one time it was missing the 02 and the 05, the other one 02 and 06 I'm using php 8.2 in sail let me check if something remains in the livewire-tmp dir, I'm emptying it now and trying uploading the same files again yes the missing files are still in the livewire-tmp dir
jouni.i6mo ago
can you show screenshot browser dev tools where show upload request... i think you got error upload-file request
danilo6mo ago
this is when dropping the file in the fileupload zone
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danilo6mo ago
this was a 9-file upload
jouni.i6mo ago
yeah and 7 complete
danilo6mo ago
yes I've split the dev bar screenshot in two files, but it was all together in the browser
jouni.i6mo ago
yeah but i found only 7 upload-file request that move files to livewire-tmp to correct destination folder
danilo6mo ago
Actually they are 9, two in the first screenshot, 7 in the second one they do not overlap (the screenshots I mean)
jouni.i6mo ago
true.. hmm livewire version ?
danilo6mo ago
I've ran composer update last friday I think, anyway let me check yes livewire/livewire 3.5.6
jouni.i6mo ago
do it this php artisan livewire:publish --assets and then again and php artisan optimize:clear
danilo6mo ago
ok... I didn't publish the livewire assets before, I'm trying with the assets published (I'm not sure what's the idea behind it, TBH :)) anyway, two files are missing after publishing the assets and optimize:clear no luck... I've searched across the internet and other people have reported similar problems in the past, it seems something in the FileUpload filament component...
jouni.i6mo ago
i'm not sure this issue is FileUpload because i just test about 10 times and i have work fine no missing files
danilo6mo ago
jouni.i6mo ago
hmm your destination is local or s3 ?
danilo6mo ago
hehehaha6mo ago
try to use ->moveFiles()?
jouni.i6mo ago
hmm try to add fileupload ->image() that is only difference my code ah hehehaha that is true... i have this too 😄
danilo6mo ago
I'm trying the two things now, thanks with just ->image() the problem persists (but once I'm there, I'll leave it in since these must be images anyway :)) even with both moveFiles and image the problem remains... I'll need to try it out in a new project to isolate it at this point... I've found the problem... the resource has a relationManager with the Resources that are created when uploading a file (in the foreach in the code above, we create a new instance of a Model, and connect the file with that Model). If the table method in the relation manager has a ->poll('5s') (for instance) then the problem arises!
danilo6mo ago
GitHub - danilogiacomi/filamentFileUploadProblem
Contribute to danilogiacomi/filamentFileUploadProblem development by creating an account on GitHub.
danilo6mo ago
if you use it as it is, you will (randomly) find the problem discussed here whereas if (in app/Filament/Resources/OrderResource/RelationManagers/FilesRelationManager.php at line 49) you comment out the ->poll('5s') line, then the problem isn't occurring anymore it's crazy, I'll try to contact the filament devs
jouni.i6mo ago
ah i'm never use ->pool() a completely useless feature in my opinion, it causes unnecessary queries that strain the server
danilo6mo ago
you are probably right, but in this case it's perfect as we upload multiple image files which need to be processed (via some jobs) and therefore we can watch them automatically update in the table below our resource. I don't know if there's a better way to do so, in any case I've submitted the issue to the filament github repo (I've actually added a comment, with the link to my test repo, to an existing issue related to missing files from multiple fileUpload)
danilo6mo ago
FileUpload: Some files are missing when uploading multiple files · ...
Package filament/filament Package Version 3 Laravel Version 11 Livewire Version V3 PHP Version php 8 Problem description When I upload multiple files, some of the files are missing. Expected behavi...
jouni.i6mo ago
can you test if you increase pool example 15sec ? how about then still files lost ?
danilo6mo ago
Hi I've just tried it and still it was missing a couple of files, out of the 32 I've uploaded, feel free to tinker around with the code in the repo, the README should have enough info for testing the whole thing

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