Waiting for CI 3 hours ago via GitHub(can not deploy)

I pushed new code to github, and then wait the deloyment. But it is still been waiting status.
3 Replies
Percy4w ago
Project ID: 11039c5b-a8e3-4789-ad66-c7c5ed7f843e
BruceX4w ago
11039c5b-a8e3-4789-ad66-c7c5ed7f843e Deoply ID: 9e1c8710-1221-4389-937e-a9a60d5a063b I did re-pushing, now it worked.
Zvezke2d ago
Hmm ... I seem to be stuck with the same problem. How do I re-push in Railway or VS Code? In Railway, I don't see any option to redeploy. ... never mind - I fixed it (which was a temporary deployments in context of pull requests) by 'Runtime - How your app is deployed' to 'V2'.