'Darkening' in the layers

Ohhh, I would so love to see 'Darkening' placed as a option in the layers, It would totally transform my 2D primary radiative images (yellow, red and blue) into a 3D world. I'm poor as dirt (the 3d stuff was almost cause for divorce!) but I'd offer a contribution of $200 if it could be added to Openbrush. Image below, Primary Micropointillism (on three colors) Imagine that in 3D! https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPF3Bmbfw3nENyU_5u0Yjzz5SQynnPZ-uUU0jlkMKx0VJfD2VjpOiqzsu9tJRX6dw/photo/AF1QipM0X4W3BSGi5JoAJ1vHDHLc4lOEsn2enrsZaXcB?key=bmp3cEZheHVuZ3YxcDFrN3YxcURkbjNOT3NsaDlR
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6 Replies
andybak8mo ago
Hi - I'm not sure I entirely understand what you're requesting. Is this the same as the Layer Modes in Photoshop?
No description
andybak8mo ago
i.e. you want to change how a brush stroke is composited with those "behind" it? (for some definition of "behind") And if so - is it "darken" you want specifically? Other modes are similar and probably more commonly used i.e. multiply
AncientWorlds8mo ago
We need something along those lines. I think darken is more additive than multiplicative. This would be very useful for toning down bright spots particularly where additive shaders are involved
andybak8mo ago
We've got additive already. Additive always makes things brighter by definition. I suspect what's being asked for here is regular alpha compositing - which always makes things darker. I'm not sure if "multiplicative" is entirely the correct term as it gets a bit complex with regard to pre-mult, linear vs gamma and all that jazz - but it captures the essential idea.
andybak8mo ago
The reason we don't have alpha compositing brushes is because it's hard to solve the "transparancy sorting" problem : https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Transparency_Sorting We're a particularly hard case because brush strokes can break a lot of the assumptions that regular apps and games make when they solve this. Quill does some clever stuff with MSAA to get round this but it's hard to do that across all our different brush shaders and hardware platforms.
AncientWorlds8mo ago
Interesting, thank you. So the closest you can get is to individually darken the objects to reduce the overall values that are being combined. Potentially stack the subgroup as an isolated sequence, which would probably only work in fixed position viewpoints, since basically your talking about brush stroke order during something like the loading screen mechanism. What works for one angle, doesn't seem likely to work from another, and that group would still require separate management even if it didn't have to check against every other thing in the scene on the raytrace? Did that make any sense, and is it even remotely correct? Some of the objects have basically a minimum brightness. There are brushes that are going to be bright no matter what you do, outside of changing the emission or other effect directly. ::: checks unity since its open Color saturation, luminance, Emissive settings and maximums seem likely candidates. Maybe possible to make toned down versions of the same brush and rebrush them. Will have to experiment with this. Alternative would be to change the color scale on the mask itself, which would probably require substitution rather than real time changes

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