Problems with Layers
Ok I am still having trouble with layers, when I went back to review the layers, my drawing was gone. Help? Do I need to save them before I switch layers. or does it just take a long time to download, maybe I need to give it sometime. I exited out without saving so I guess I just need to redo?
15 Replies
Can you go over that again - step by step? I'm not sure I quite follow what you're asking or what you did? Even better - send me the sketch file you're having trouble with via a DM
(Did you resolve your other problem - with Powershell? I never heard back from you)
no my powershell keeps me from opening my autosaved files. but I just did a work around and recorded my screen instead
I think I'm going to work with it a little more before I start complaining again, Hah. I just get impatient,
Please reply to my previous comment about powershell - if you're double-clicking then that explains it.
so you are saying if I click it just once it should open up?
I'm pretty sure I probably clicked it once, yesterday I switched it to open it up with DaVinci code, but then I couldn't get that to open either.
yeah either way its not working I have no clue where or how to access my files that I save from open brush. Should I take my desktop to Best Buy and have a geek look at it?
No - open it from inside open brush, don't launch it from Windows itself.
I'm just guessing that you were trying to launch it that way. Can you clarify exactly what you were doing?
If you open things from windows, you're at the mercy of whatever app windows decides to open it with - it won't automatically open in Open Brush unless you set it up that way.
Oh, I got what you mean, thank you. I was able to view the auto saved sketch on my desktop. Otherwise if you want to save the file I need to go through the Icosa or sketchfab right?
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing at all. When you save a sketch it's the same format as an autosave file - there are .tilt files.
The only way to open a .tilt file is inside Open Brush itself - in the Sketchbook Panel:

Just move the file up one level so it's in the same folder as your other sketches:

so I was working in the second layer making edits to how I wanted that layer to look, when I went back to the main layer, the edits I made were in that layer
and I made sure when I was working that I was in the second layer not the main layer
I tried to DM you but you were going out for the evening
I'm just not sure why when I'm in layer two it is making my main layer change
I'll trying watching some youtubes again maybe I'm missing something
I'm going to reverse the way I was working, if my next method doesn't work, I'll do a video to send you. I usually don't release my work until finished
Thank you for this response because yesterday I forgot to save something I worked quite some time on. Do you know my titles have never had tilt brush logo. it had the powershell and wouldn't open, but I guess that is because I wasn't in open brush when I did it. I tried to change it to a file I could view on desktop, so I changed the powershell to media drive but it still wouldn't open even in open brush. I'll show you a screen shot. But I can access my auto saves in the sketchbook panel, so maybe it is saved in there, your saying the only way to acces the autosave file is in the sketch book panel in open brush, with VR on?

screen shot

Do you see what I'm saying now? is there a way to open with tiltbrush ?
It does sy its a tilt file so I'll try in vr, but I'm pretty sure it didn't work last time I tried. I know I'm kind of crazy with all this, but just want you to know I absolutely love working in VR, it's so intuitive. And I'm getting better learning the layers, just took me some time.
used to the program on my ipad, so I had to readjust how I do things
is there a way to open with tiltbrush ?Yes - you open tilt files from the sketchbook in VR
ok thanks