Duplicate Layer Numbers

Didn't catch this when it happened, but the sketch is starting to behave strangely now.
Possibly closed before completely saving? Possibly added a layer after an empty layer?
Whatever it is, probably shouldn't look like this If there's something wrong with layer tracking/numbering, then it would explain a lot
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11 Replies
AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
Duplicate layer numbers Ability to name layers would be nice, but any sequence issues or unclosed data should be checked first
andybak9mo ago
Ability to name layers would be nice
That was implemented when we first released 2.4 with the XR keyboard I'll check what happens if layer names are duplicated. Any idea how you ended up with duplicated layer names this time?
AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
Possibilities are listed above the image, things that might have happened. I know to watch for it now, although not sure how to fix it. I suspect this leads to selectability errors if it loses track.
Hmm, must have overlooked the button for renaming, probably in the dots. Was more focuse on making the piece, didn't even catch it until I was about to make layer 28 and had a selection issue. Other possibilities exist, but need to catch it when it happens to narrow it down. I do like having a lot of layer control, that's going to be super useful.
One thing I typically do is use the main layer to keep reference images and brushes I might use available. Since the reference images need to get moved around from time to time would be nice to quickly access them without scrolling through all the pages. maybe a button that jumps you to the first/last layer or something along those lines Ok, now here's where it gets interesting.
I decided to reopen the image, and got rid of all the brushstrokes and reference images. Noticed that one of the layers had the eye closed, possibly accidentally toggled during a layer add.
At any rate saved it and exported. (newglb: successfully despite several error messages) Also appears to have exported successfully in fbx, json, obj, usd (untested but they look correct) Opened it in Blender and noticed that the layer actually has a different identifier/name
AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
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AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
(using So the exporter is extremely resilient
andybak9mo ago
I can't think of any obvious reason why duplicate layer names would be a problem. There's nothing in the code to stop you doing it manually via renaming. I think I'd prefer to allow it and fix any bugs that result from it - rather than forbidding it.
AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
Ya, it's creating them. It might be a display issue, since the layer is clearly named with the extension in blender. It's possible that it's getting overlooked by the selection code, because that was an issue.
I also used rebrush, so I can't say for certain what the trigger is.
If it's a recurring issue that isn't directly tied to a save attempt, I might be able to isolate it further.
Since everything exported alright, I don't think this is a major issue unless it routinely interferes with selection when it happens. Just wanted to point out the observation
andybak9mo ago
i've spotted an issue with selection and images but it's quest only i think
AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
I'm not sure if I'm going to be in the headset tonight or not.
Spent the day working out editor scripts to speed up brush set analysis.
Not sure the direction yet, feel like I want to try and figure out what's going on with the masking/transparency. I'd particularly like to get cel-vinyl displaying correctly in AR
andybak9mo ago
I'd particularly like to get cel-vinyl displaying correctly in AR
Is this inside Open Brush itself?
AncientWorldsOP9mo ago
Has to export GLB, since I don't have a quest3 Right now most of the strip brushes (including that one) export as a black background Not sure if that's just the export setting or if it's something to do with the mask/alpha itself Need to take a closer look at it

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