wizard with many steps
Do you have a solution when you have too many steps in a Wizard ? it exceeds because I have too many steps and I don't see how to solve this problem so if you have a solution I'm interested
5 Replies
Use scroll for this. Maybe this link will help you: https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/discussions/9022#discussioncomment-7277132"
Access wizard nextAction() method when using a createRecord page of...
I'm new to Filament (and Livewire), sorry if this is a dumb question. I created a wizard in a Create page of a resource. The wizard in a create page has not a Wizard::make() method, so I don...
ok i will check thanks 🙂
@Sidem did you solve ?
no in the end I deleted a step from my form and the problem is solved