Change Layout Login Page

Hi all , im still new in filament . i want to change the layout of login page but still using filament form . im using html code. So i want to change the layout with filament form . my question is how to do it ? . Can anyone explain to me step by step ? . i have seen some other posting about custom login as well but i still didnt understand . Apologize for the question .
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3 Replies
Expecto Patronum
Should i just extend to Login only or do i need to copy any function2 from login class from vendor to new file ?
awcodes2mo ago
no, just make a Login in your app somewhere and extend filament's Login class. it's just standard OOP in php. then you can reference the login view in the vendor folder to see how to include the form, etc. to create your own view in your app. don't modify anything in the vendor folder.