Table Performance | Need PRO Advice
Hi everyone,
I've encountered some performance issues with table rendering.
Specifically, the page load time increases significantly as I add more columns to the table. Here are some details:
Each row is expandable, and I use stack and split layouts to show more columns inside.
With all columns, the page loads in 4-5 seconds.
Commenting out columns speeds up the page load significantly, indicating that the table query is not the bottleneck. When reduced to 5 columns, the load time drops to around 1 second, which is acceptable.
I've already cached components, views, routes, config and filament:cache-components.
I also use simple pagination and eager loading relationships.
What strategies can I use to display all the necessary columns without compromising performance?
Sounds crazy but according to telescope it's loading 8000 views .

2 Replies
Hey, Did you find a solution? I'm facing the same problem
Hey Moe, I was not happy with performance so to make the table faster I decided to lazy-load the majority of row details. The collapsable panel only has view column from which I load a livewire component with the rest of the details. Significantly faster now. Make sure the livewire component has unique keys otherwise it will glitch when you start collapsing and expanding multiple rows on the page.