19 Replies
I think if the icon is above the text it would be better
Like this?
Well, yeah. It does look better.
yup its good
Yeah and if you took out the underlines of "we are here to support" could work well then spacing it out the left area
Remove the underlines tbh
Left-align the text
And maybe experiment with the image; I think it could be kind of cool if you put it in the same rounded box and made that box that tan color and the icon itself white or black?
Also try fading the image a bit or just turning the opacity down. It's really removing the main focus of the text.
I actually want to go with underline style this time, is it that bad though? 😅
Yeah, I mean; I have noticed that company is icon doesn’t seem read able too
Actually center looks better on short texts (in my opinion)
We already have very low negative space (empty space around stuff), adding an underline does make it a bit more clustered.
Hmm, yeah.
Yeah, also do you have two company names?
Kaeru is app’s name,
Minesa is company
Maybe move the company name to the top left instead, i actually thought it was related to image somehow
Then balancing texts are seems wrong? All texts on the left but a large image on the right (for banner)
I mean, if this was a website; yeah. Text section on left and image on right seems okay
Yeah, maybe it will be better to just fade the image down and see
I would say the second layout is better it showcases the goal of the design.
This is the latest one.
Faded it down a little bit
Balanced the spaces on inlines
I wish I have designed it on Figma than Freeform 💀
would've better if icon is centered ..lol