KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by ZNP on 1/15/2025 in #back-end
How do I make a download system for simple exe files
I have a game that I want downloaded when a button is clicked. I've done this using the download attribute for images.
How would I do it for exe files, this is a very small game I'm talking about.
49 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by ZNP on 8/23/2024 in #front-end
How much is too much css? (cube css)
3 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by ZNP on 8/19/2024 in #front-end
Do you have a list of different root font sizes?
I'm looking to find a list of font sizes that I can use in my roots, to copy and paste in my projects. Do you guys know where to find this, and do you use this?
5 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by ZNP on 8/19/2024 in #front-end
Flex or Grid for cards?
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by ZNP on 5/5/2024 in #front-end
What's the right mindset when making CSS and BEM
I'm watching KP's css responsive layout, I thought I did pretty well, then KP uses a lot more reusing of classes, being effective with inheritance. I was much more focused on keeping everything within it's own box- putting each class with it's seperate rules and only overlapping once or twice. I know in the demystified he says it's really up to you, however I want to know what you guys think and what mentality you have towards CSS , bem and other rulesets.
8 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
•Created by ZNP on 3/15/2024 in #front-end
Frontend dev project for a star rating system
I'm wondering if there if an easier way to go about this, specifically when using css to highlight all previous items in the list and if there's anything I can do to improve my javascript. However it does alll work. I'm not sure about the psuedo elements, i want feedback if i'm using the most efficent code.
24 replies