How to LDAP Integration ?

As a system administrator, I want to integrate with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), So that users can authenticate using their existing corporate credentials. Acceptance Criteria: * 1- As a user, I can access the LDAP integration feature from the settings menu. 2- I can enter the LDAP server details, including host, port, and connection credentials. 3- I can test the LDAP connection to ensure successful integration. 4- Once integrated, users can log in to using their LDAP credentials. 5- Users can be automatically add/disabled from LDAP. 6- User profile information is automatically populated from LDAP attributes. 7- I can enable/disable LDAP integration as needed. 8 -Changes made to LDAP integration settings are logged for audit purposes.*
13 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch11mo ago
That’s not really filament related and quite specific. Look for a LDAP Laravel package
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeus11mo ago
#chrisreedio-socialment can integrate the featuer (login with ldap)
Nuekrato11mo ago
I would advice using and integrate it yourself. It is very easy and you just need to customize the login form of Filament.
LdapRecord is a framework that helps you quickly integrate LDAP into your PHP applications.
AlnuaimiOP11mo ago
I know ,but we want to integrate with filament
Nuekrato11mo ago
LdapRecord also enables user imports/sync You can do that. There are no special requirements integrating it into filament. Just install ldaprecord and customise the login form of Filament.
AlnuaimiOP11mo ago
yes ,He integrated with filament but ,it has some errors Let's do an integration together
Nuekrato11mo ago
Actually - in my current App I already integrated it.
AlnuaimiOP11mo ago
can you help me plase If you want?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch11mo ago
Filament uses Laravels auth. So there shouldn't be much difference. You should do some work yourself and ask questions if you get stuck.
AlnuaimiOP10mo ago
@Chris Reed
No description
Shavik10mo ago
I did not integrate this with my plugin. And as I mentioned in my plugin's channel, this error is not related to my plugin from the screenshots you've shown and also not related to Filament.
krekas10mo ago
If you would search there is at least one tutorial in the internet
JoseBravo10mo ago
What LDAP server are you using? Im using FreeIPA and I had to connect this way: uid=user,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org

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