Filament3mo ago

Multi tenancy with filament

Hello When you activate tenancy in a filament panel every page becomes tenant aware and its url get prefixed with the tenant id How to exclude some pages from this default behavior ?
6 Replies
Wannes3mo ago
Add this to your resource
protected static bool $isScopedToTenant = false;
protected static bool $isScopedToTenant = false;
noOne3mo ago
can i add that to a page ? i want to disable tenancy for a page not a resource
Wannes3mo ago
Im not sure what you mean, custom pages don't have tenancy on by default on Models (except for the url) afaik So aslong as you don't scope your model via a middleware, you can query what you need
noOne3mo ago
yes i'm talking about the url i don't want the page url to be prefixed with the tenant id
Wannes3mo ago
youll probably want to create a different panel without tenancy than i guess