Hi everyone, please can help me by commenting my first web page design
I spend like a month on this design, I know is not totally finished but I need some guides to retouch it before moving to the next step.

7 Replies
I can't see it, it's too small
these are screen shots

I have tried to harmonize the colors using the logo colors

there are serious issues with the color contrast on the text
please tell me more and suggestions are welcome
The yellow probably doesn't have enough contrast against the white. You can test this by putting it in a contrast checker. Look up WCAG contrast checker

just some advice on the nav bar, there's a large amount of info there. With words repeated (contact) whereas you could have navbar items that when you hover over them have drop down menus. To encapsulate the category
If you also let us know about the company. The specific purpose, the artstyle they have, any details about what they do, why they do it, their audience all helps