Strange "box" around some objects

Hello! With last dh/iris unstable this appeared, with bothj with and without any shader. They usually appears on tree leaves and bamboo (that's what i seen for now). Fabric 1.20.1 If i disable DH it disappear
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Unknown User3mo ago
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Romans3mo ago
it shows also in all the trees
Miki_P983mo ago
Try increassing CPU load, and vanilla render distance
Romans3mo ago
Cpu try with balanced and medium, and nothing. Vanilla render distance is 12
Miki_P983mo ago
You can try updating DH, if that won't help, your PC might be too slow to unload those DH chunks in time, you can play with DH settings , but my help ends here :/
eden3mo ago
:this: is the correct answer
Tiny3mo ago
increase overdraw protection and/or vanilla render distance