Vite manifest not found when registering custom asset and deploying to production

I have a weird issue when trying to deploy to production. I have a custom asset loaded using
Js::make('echo', Vite::asset('resources/js/echo.js')),
Js::make('echo', Vite::asset('resources/js/echo.js')),
However, during composer's post-autoload-dump the following commands are executed
"@php artisan package:discover --ansi",
"@php artisan filament:assets"
"@php artisan package:discover --ansi",
"@php artisan filament:assets"
both of which fail because the Vite manifest hasn't been generated yet. The manifest is generated when I ran npm run build but I can't do that because this fails if I haven't installed the composer dependencies yet. So I'm in this weird catch-22 where the composer step fails because I can't build the Vite manifest, and I can't build the Vite manifest because the composer step fails. Removing the FillamentAsset::register... code solves the issue but it's obviously not a solution so I wonder if I'm missing something. I use Forge/Envoyer for the deployments so most steps are vanilla Envoyer stuff. All of it worked untill I wanted to load a custom asset. The manifest is not commited into the repo BTW. Am I supposed to commit it?
you can also load the script with a renderhook instead of 'FilamentAsset'
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18 Replies
ChesterSOP11mo ago
fails too for the same reason Oh FFS... This is because of
import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
which doesn't exist until I run composer install but I can't run composer install until I run npm run build ... Fucking great!
awcodes11mo ago
so, just remove the 'filament:assets' command from your composer scripts, then call it after 'npm run build' in your deploy script.
ChesterSOP11mo ago
It's not just the fillament:assets that fails. package:discover and filament:upgrade also fail And by 'fail' I mean I get the same ViteManifestNotFoundException exception So I need to find an alternative way to load an Alpine plugin so I can replace this in my app.js
import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
import AlpineFloatingUI from '@awcodes/alpine-floating-ui'


import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
import AlpineFloatingUI from '@awcodes/alpine-floating-ui'


awcodes11mo ago
floating ui is already included with filament though.
ChesterSOP11mo ago
Yeah but I think we need it in other non-filament pages and we might need other plugins anyway
awcodes11mo ago
then load it asset in your non-filament pages with the normal blade '@vite' directive.
ChesterSOP11mo ago
Sorry, what do you mean? This is loaded into the custom layout file like this
Is there another/better way? (most of it is vanilla stuff from the livewire docs)
awcodes11mo ago
maybe i'm getting confused, you started out saying it was an issue with 'FilamentAsset::register' for echo.js now its an issue with 'app.js'.
ChesterSOP11mo ago
Yeah sorry about that. The issue started when I loaded a custom asset using FilamentAsset::register which needs the (AFAIK) the vite manifest to exist so it can find the asset. However, during deployment, NPM (install + build) are executed after composer install. But I have code in my app.js that needs some files from the vendor folder to work not sure if it makes sense? It's a cyclic dependency of sorts I need both the code in app.js and the ability to load fillament assets, but I can't have both
awcodes11mo ago
you don't need any of that in your composer scripts
$FORGE_PHP artisan optimize
$FORGE_PHP artisan icons:cache

npm ci
npm run build
rm -rf node_modules

$FORGE_PHP artisan filament:upgrade // (upgrade will run the assets command)
// or
$FORGE_PHP artisan filament:assets
$FORGE_PHP artisan optimize
$FORGE_PHP artisan icons:cache

npm ci
npm run build
rm -rf node_modules

$FORGE_PHP artisan filament:upgrade // (upgrade will run the assets command)
// or
$FORGE_PHP artisan filament:assets
let the server run them instead of composer.
ChesterSOP11mo ago
yeah I guess that's the only solution. It'll make local development a bit more annoying since we'll have to remember all those steps when installing/upgrading locally but what can you do...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
awcodes11mo ago
you can also load the script with a renderhook instead of 'FilamentAsset'
ChesterSOP11mo ago
Hmm didn't think about that. I'll look into it . Are there any drawbacks to it? (eg if I use the PanelsRenderHook::SCRIPTS_AFTER hook)
awcodes11mo ago
no drawback with Vite, i would probably recommend it.
ChesterSOP11mo ago
This seems to have worke, thank you very much 🙇‍♂️ FWIW, this is what I did
fn (): string => Blade::render("@vite('resources/js/foobar.js')"),
fn (): string => Blade::render("@vite('resources/js/foobar.js')"),
Nicole9mo ago
@ChesterS @awcodes I tried this in my app, and it worked on my local but in prod, I received Unable to locate file in Vite manifest: resources/js/plugins/scrollable.js I used this one
ChesterSOP9mo ago
Have you added it to your vite.config.js and ran npm run build ?
benzo7mo ago
This is the way! Thanks @awcodes

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