Nuxt11mo ago

How to have a different "default" page in nested routing

Hey there ! I'm facing an issue related to nested routing. Using the following folder structure:
├── providers
│   └── [provider]
│   ├── domains
│   │   ├── [domain]
│   │   │   ├── general-informations.vue
│   │   │   ├── index.vue
│   │   │   └── localisation.vue
│   │   └── [domain].vue
│   ├── domains.vue
│   └── home.vue
└── providers.vue
├── providers
│   └── [provider]
│   ├── domains
│   │   ├── [domain]
│   │   │   ├── general-informations.vue
│   │   │   ├── index.vue
│   │   │   └── localisation.vue
│   │   └── [domain].vue
│   ├── domains.vue
│   └── home.vue
└── providers.vue
I would like the route under providers/[provider]/domains/[domain]/ to be set by default to providers/[provider]/domains/[domain]/general-information because my UI does not need an "index" page for the details of a domain and the "default" page when navigating to /providers/1/domains/1 should be /providers/1/domains/1/general-informations. I'm using Nuxt i18n with a prefix_and_default stategy, so I can't setup an alias in general-informations.vue using definePageMeta because I can't access the local in a simple way there. I'va also tried setting up a middleware in index.vue like this :
middleware: [
async function (to) {
const { $getRouteBaseName } = useNuxtApp()
if ($getRouteBaseName(to) === 'providers-provider-domains-domain') {
// Custom helper to abstract i18n route navigation, nothing to do with the // issue at hand
await navigateToLocalePath({
name: 'providers-provider-domains-domain-general-informations',
params: {
provider: 1,
domain: 1,
middleware: [
async function (to) {
const { $getRouteBaseName } = useNuxtApp()
if ($getRouteBaseName(to) === 'providers-provider-domains-domain') {
// Custom helper to abstract i18n route navigation, nothing to do with the // issue at hand
await navigateToLocalePath({
name: 'providers-provider-domains-domain-general-informations',
params: {
provider: 1,
domain: 1,
But, even if I can successfully log a message inside my if statement, the redirection does not happen (which is weird since the same call in something like onMounted works). Do you have any idea of how I could make it work ?
9 Replies
Sandvich11mo ago
if you can log a message inside the if then surely it's an issue with navigateToLocalePath right? Try with a normal navigateTo and see if that works
KérunixOP11mo ago
Yeah I tried that already, didn't work 😅 (I had no doubt it woudln't, since navigateToLocalePath is working as intended in other middlewares in the same application)
Sandvich11mo ago
try a non async function and instead of awaiting, return navigateTo() ?
KérunixOP11mo ago
Ooooh that might work Yeah that did it, can't believe I didn't think of it. Thanks a lot for the help !
Single11mo ago
You could also redirect using:
redirect: 'providers-provider-domains-domain-general-informations'
redirect: 'providers-provider-domains-domain-general-informations'
in your index.vue (providers-provider-domains-domain)
Sandvich11mo ago
oh that's nice didn't know about that
KérunixOP11mo ago
Neither did I and its quite nice !
Single11mo ago
Be aware that both routes will render, thus analytics for example will be triggered for both.
devmadhavv11mo ago
thanks, it helped

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