OGImage not showing

I am trying to display a dynamic image for SEO based on the page being viewed. The page loads a different item image accordingly. To achieve this, I am using the useSeoMeta composable and setting the URL to the image with a computed property or a ref. It shows the correct URL in the HTML inspector, but it does not load, for example, in Discord
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40 Replies
Single11mo ago
Be aware, that most platforms, including Discord are caching the og:images heavily. Thus unless the url of the image changes, you have to wait. I assume your url changes with every image. Have you tried to test with https://opengraph.dev ?
OpenGraph - Preview Images and Generate Open Graph Meta Tags
OpenGraph.Dev: Generate and preview Open Graph meta tags for images, titles, and more, ensuring optimal display on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp...
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
ow for real? damn works with this preview Thanks!!
Single11mo ago
Append a ?timestamp=Date.now() and you might be good
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
wow you are the best! will try ow let me test first 😛 because it tried with a hardcoded image url now 😛 where do i add a timestamp? @Single just somewhere in the description?
Single11mo ago
In your computed:
ogImage: () => config.public.BASEURI +"/Icons/"+item.value?.icon + "?timestamp="+ Date.now()
ogImage: () => config.public.BASEURI +"/Icons/"+item.value?.icon + "?timestamp="+ Date.now()
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
oke will try thanks i'll let you know once the test env is published because i cannot test it locally right?
Single11mo ago
ogImage: () => `${config.public.BASEURI}/Icons/${item.value?.icon}?timestamp=${Date.now()}`
ogImage: () => `${config.public.BASEURI}/Icons/${item.value?.icon}?timestamp=${Date.now()}`
This would be a more readable solution, using template literals
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
nope sorry! with the computed prop the image is undefined damn
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
No description
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
so it works with a hardcoded url but not with a compuited
Single11mo ago
Can you check for typos? I had to write the text according to your image
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
indeed let me recheck it all
Single11mo ago
Test locally if the url is correct before you deploy
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
it has the correct url in the hteml head
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
so after fully loading the page it has the correct url
Single11mo ago
Good And does it work in opengraph.dev?
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
nope still undefined 😛 could it be the computed stuff loading to slow
Single11mo ago
Does the url work in your local browser?
Single11mo ago
Ok, so its not my change but a different problem Does the page need authentication by any chance?
Single11mo ago
Do you use ssr?
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Don't know how do i check this 😛
Single11mo ago
If you did not disable it by adding ssr: false to your nuxt config it should be enabled
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
ssr would be better?
Single11mo ago
Depends on the page but the general idea is yes
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
oke well if by default it is enabled
Single11mo ago
If you hardcode the url, its working i guess?
Single11mo ago
I assume the page meta is generated at buildtime, not at runtime. I am not entirely sure here. Let me make a test and get back to you later. Seems like is working Is item.value?.icon undefined maybe?
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
in the seo preview it is but in the html view not but item.value is also loaded after mounted in onMounted
Single11mo ago
That might be too late
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
yeah mhh let me check if there is another way :p ow it is in the onbeforeMounted @Single Cool did a total rewrite and moved the init item outside the mounted function. Now it seems to work 💪
Single11mo ago
Nice! Glad you made it! I thing we were talking next to each other earlier. If you image url DOES change, there is no need to use ?timestamp=... You would only want to append this in case your url stays the same but the image being served has different content.
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Oke cool! will try thanks for your help
hz22229mo ago
How did u achive this? I am working on a similar problem
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Did something like this “ const config = useRuntimeConfig(); // data const item = ref<Equipment | null>(null); useSeoMeta({ ogTitle: () => ${item.value?.name} - Luckys crafting site, ogImage: () => ${config.public.BASEURI}/Icons/${item.value?.icon} + "?timestamp=" + Date.now(), ogDescription: () => { var string = ""; item.value?.materials.forEach(i => { string += ${i.amount}x ${i.name}, }) return string; }, ogImageWidth: 80, ogImageHeight: 80 })” And in the nuxt config “runtimeConfig: { public: { DEBUG: process.env.DEBUG, ENCODERSTRING: process.env.ENCODERSTRING, ENCODERNUMBER: process.env.ENCODERNUMBER, BASEURI: process.env.NUXT_PUBLIC_BASEURI },”
hz22229mo ago
Thx , but how do you fetching the data for the seo? With asyncData?
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
With useFetch in the setup so the created

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