FPS drops when approaching enemies on iPad Pro

Hi, I was under the assumption that PUBG mobile wouldn’t have any lag when playing on an iPad Pro (11 Zoll, 4. Generation). Now whenever a enemy enters my render distance there are frame drops. For my teammates it often lags for up to 5 seconds or results in crashes when more than 4 players are joining. Anyone have the same issue? I really don’t want to believe that this games update was so badly implemented that even high end devices are struggling. My ingame settings are smooth graphics and extreme+ frame rate. Auto adjustments of these settings is turned off.
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56 Replies
ChiefChippy212mo ago
lmao shouldve gotten gen 5+ (m- series) jokes aside @Zhan
YiramaOP12mo ago
What tablet are you talking about exactly?
Zhan12mo ago
ChiefChippy212mo ago
YiramaOP12mo ago
That tablet has worse specs than the iPad Pro. I think the game is currently not optimised, skins are released all the time and they affect performance big time. I tried weapon skins on lvl 8 and they make your game lag when you scope/kill someone.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
which one? ipad pro 5th gen cant be worse than 4th gen air 5 i doubt is worse than 4th
YiramaOP12mo ago
The 11 inch pro 4 generation with the M2 chip.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
that's the 6th gen my giy there's no 4th gen with m2
YiramaOP12mo ago
Apple is confusing on this but the 12.9 inch is considered gen 6 and the 11 inch gen 4. Both run on same hardware but different screen.
No description
YiramaOP12mo ago
Back to the original topic, the game is not really optimised may they give us the option to disable skins in the game all together. I tried the new mode without skins and it worked perfectly fine. My guess is that new skins (released after January) are not optimal in terms of performance.
FAKE Brutal
FAKE Brutal12mo ago
Yupp, that’s the reason why for the past 3 or 4 seasons I’m not downloading all resource packs and skins, except the ones I’m using or car skins😵‍💫, otherwise the game is lagging and crashing (playing on Ipad Pro 11” as well) it’s just impossible to play it.
YiramaOP12mo ago
Crazy to think about player using older devices. The fact they’re able to play is crazy.
FAKE Brutal
FAKE Brutal12mo ago
Right??! I feel like there will be lack of players when 120fps will be released.
YiramaOP12mo ago
Honestly I have no idea what device truly will run with 120 fps. They should focus on fixing these bugs that exist like from the start of the game.
FAKE Brutal
FAKE Brutal12mo ago
Exactly 🫠 Completely agree with You!
ChiefChippy212mo ago
maybe it's 90fps acting up cuz i don't get lag after landing in 60
YiramaOP12mo ago
It’s hard to define lag. We can only define it when playing on the same device. I had that problem when switching from every other device to a better one. In the beginning I feel no lag, over time I get accustomed to the device and start noticing the same problems again.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
i define lag (fps) by the fact i can clearly see the game is not being rendered by 60 fps i do not have special eye capabilities but if the fps drops in a way i can notice for me it's not ok
YiramaOP12mo ago
Okay defining it that way works. Have you also tested the difference when playing without skins? For me it reduces render lag when new enemies are loaded.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
Again with all the skins I downloaded I do not see lag apart upon landing in event for a few seconds at this point i give up having 60 fps upon landing with 40 other ppl perhaps check your storage, I only used 50% of my storage
YiramaOP12mo ago
Oh I don’t mean the single frame drop when landing in hot drops. I expect that as well. I mean the small lags whenever you drive around and new enemies enter your render distance. I can accurately tell when enemies are near based of that and it is something messing up driving and shooting.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
yeah well I don't have lag in those cases
YiramaOP12mo ago
That’s interesting. Since last week I noticed an increase in this lag and now teammates are crashing from it. I got that right that you play on an iPad Air with 60 fps? I will test playing 60 fps but that is not optimal. Will be interesting when 120 fps are released. Will be a mess. .
ChiefChippy212mo ago
only lag i notice is network wise well this past week
YiramaOP12mo ago
Do you play on WiFi or mobile data and more importantly is your ping <20?
ChiefChippy212mo ago
ping is 20 and my wifi is completely fine it's server desyncing I'm not alone my friends also saying same thig
YiramaOP12mo ago
Thanks that confirms my suspicion the servers are really struggling… won’t be fixed soon I guess. Even more I think that skins are not optimised, when playing without, it lags less and the server side lags are not affected from that. Did you also notice more lag after the new lion pet and x-suit got released?
ChiefChippy212mo ago
i have a lion but I don't think it changed anyth
2Wolves12mo ago
I guess it only happens on some devices, please note also how you manage your device is always different from how other people manage their devices with the same brand and model. The server issue is only some matches, they barely happen in my situation unless it's a cross server where my pink couldn't fix at 20ms. But I'm using ROG, all other friends using ROG have no issues. Your devices need to keep up with the game, the game can't downgrade to meet your personal device requirements. Your storage and other apps installed on your phone do heavily affect phone performances.
YiramaOP12mo ago
That is the thing I’m concerned about. I’m playing on the newest iPad generation, my device currently uses under half the storage and my game still has these small lags. What tablet should I play on when we consider it’s specs.
2Wolves12mo ago
If you are concerned about that then why choose a tablet. You know very well iPad is not for gaming, their processor is not made for one but business and work. I really have no answer about what tablet should you play on because I am not sitting in your situation but that's the consequences you have to bear. The game, in general, cannot change according to different kinds of devices because the ratio between your case to my case is 1:1. Nevertheless it never was a server bug or struggle.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
I don't think choosing a pc for playing a mobile game is wise humble opinion
2Wolves12mo ago
Which is why the game made playable on mobile will mess a lot.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
it's not made playable it's a different game if ur referring to pubg
2Wolves12mo ago
It is a pc game made playable for mobile phones. Same for many other games.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
it's not it's entirely different well there are similarities but what's behind is different it's like monopoly online and the physical game lmao
2Wolves12mo ago
What I meant is the whole FPS gaming is suitable for pc. You dont face 100 players in monopoly at once.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
well there's some mobile games that have seem to have better frames and performance than this game (considering ofc equivalent graphics etc) and honestly there isn't issues with every device either
2Wolves12mo ago
Like what, LifeAfter?
ChiefChippy212mo ago
it's just 1 or 2 devices that seem to get abnormally bad performance /shrug you don't see every single 90fps device getting a lag thread
2Wolves12mo ago
Of course. But that's the point I was talking about up there.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
ipad m2 shouldn't have trouble running this game tho it's not necessarily marketed towards gaming but it defo has the capabilities to power mobile games
2Wolves12mo ago
Yes, with big consequences to the system, for long term use. Will damage your device a lot.
YiramaOP12mo ago
For games it doesn’t matter what device you use. The deciding factor are cpu and gpu. For the current iPad Pro models that are among the high end devices it should be in no doubt able to run the game without issues at the offered 90 fps. If not the average player wouldn’t be able to play at all. Neither would 120 fps be possible.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
considering most mobile devices have a lifespan of like 3 to 5 years before it is considered too old, slow and must be replaced I don't think "long term use" applies to the mobile market anyway you can't apply pc comparison to mobile it's 2 different markets and 2 different gaming scenarios
2Wolves12mo ago
I don't. I was noting that the game system is made for pc processors now made into mobile phones is what so many issues like both of you discussed up there. The graphics are too heavy for 1 match with more than 50 players online, let alone colors etc. But if you're particularly talking about iPad M2 I am not sure why. I am talking about the general issue of the game & mobile devices. If the X-suit and lion have a big impact on your tablets... Well.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
this thread is abt performance issues on ipad m2.... and i think the one thing you dont get is this game is NOT PUBG the graphics are not too heavy compared to other mobile games skins.... well i dont think pc version has that many skins lmao
2Wolves12mo ago
So M2 is the problem here. I already said up there. Device problem. Not a server problem.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
no one said it was a server problem?
2Wolves12mo ago
I didn't recall talking about skins on the pubg pc. Oh really. Then my bad. I saw someone said 'struggling server'
ChiefChippy212mo ago
thats just another issue that is pretty much here since the start of times but main issue here is m2 not getting the performance it should.
2Wolves12mo ago
Really is the device issue. Be it M2 or something else.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
its a game optimization issue honestly considering rog phone 6 is sd8 gen 1 and that thing doesnt compare to m2
2Wolves12mo ago
Then it is too bad for M2 then. Game(s) is not optimized for M2's specs.
ChiefChippy212mo ago
... thats why this thread exists to ask for optimization for m2
.Ṇadïa.🌴9mo ago
Please create a post in the Official Support subreddit instead.

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