Filamentβ€’12mo ago

Trying to find a way to show the infolist in the EditResource page

is it possible? so far i've just managed to make it appear in the view page, but id like it to appear in the edit page πŸ€”
8 Replies
Povilas K
Povilas Kβ€’12mo ago
Haven't done it myself but maybe try to get some ideas from this docs page where infolist is added to a Livewire component? https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/infolists/adding-an-infolist-to-a-livewire-component
ericmpOPβ€’12mo ago
thank u!! havent managed to achieve it
MohamedSabil83β€’12mo ago
Don't know if there's another way to display in EditModel, but you can create it in a custom component and render that component using render hook with scope it to that page
ericmpOPβ€’12mo ago
render that component using render hook with scope it to that page
never done that before but i think yeah, seems has to be the solution. ill dig into it, thanks!
MohamedSabil83β€’12mo ago
Glad to help. Let me know if works with you.
ericmpOPβ€’11mo ago
im trying to render that component using render hook with scope it to that page but im kinda lost. im checking it out but dont even know where to start πŸ€” https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/support/render-hooks not sure if can be done in the EditResource page πŸ€”
Emazβ€’10mo ago
Do you mean using infolist on an edit resource? I have that use case too. In creating a new estimate, I have a select for selecting a customer. The user is not editing fields here so I just have them disabled (name, address, etc). But instead I would like the select to show an infolist schema, it's just more visually appealing.
Shavikβ€’10mo ago
This doesn't help but I've seen that Dan mentioned this functionality is coming in Filament v4.

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