CSS vs Tailwind

not sure which to use. I want more control of my code but also flexibility
30 Replies
admin.o7OP12mo ago
tailwind comes with his own pros and cons - pros: write fast and it's scalable - cons: in return you have a verbose spaghetti code so does css: - pros: more control over the code and so does customization - cons: it's a waste of time consider that my application is large
b1mind12mo ago
I mean you pretty much made up your mind by that wording 😂
Jochem12mo ago
cons: it's a waste of time
Learning and using fundamentals is never a waste of time.
pros: write fast and it's scalable
So is CSS. Faster even, if you write your classes well
b1mind12mo ago
Sounds like you e be best with bootstrap
Jochem12mo ago
I'd much rather remember class="button" than class="border-radius-2 bg-blue-700 text-white px-2 py-1 ..." sorry, className="" if you want almost all the "advantages" of tailwind with very few of the drawbacks, look into component scoped styling. I'm sure there's a way to do it in React too
b1mind12mo ago
No good ones that's why TW exists
Jochem12mo ago
that's honestly the biggest dealbreaker for react for me then
b1mind12mo ago
Yup ikr 😂
Jochem12mo ago
but that's off topic, sorry
admin.o7OP12mo ago
so pure css is the answer?
Jochem12mo ago
for me, yes
ἔρως12mo ago
for me, yes * * you may want to use a preprocessor as well, like sass or less or stylus, to remove some boring tasks
admin.o7OP12mo ago
are you sure it will be 100% manageable at large scale
Jochem12mo ago
admin.o7OP12mo ago
ἔρως12mo ago
it is manageable
snxxwyy12mo ago
as jochem said, if you structure your classes well, it'll be maintainable, you should take a look into something like Andy Bell's cube css layout, the first paragraph of the blog even adresses your concern here. https://piccalil.li/blog/cube-css.
admin.o7OP12mo ago
i'm literally going insane with making a responsive hamburger menu
vince12mo ago
i don't know how tailwind would solve that for you unless you are copy and pasting which you can't do for your whole project anyway
ἔρως12mo ago
yes, and if you need better organization, one of the languages i said will help
admin.o7OP12mo ago
CSS requires a part of my brain being eaten away like 90% will be eaten away and the 10% will eventually eat itself due to my insanity level
Jochem12mo ago
that just means you don't properly understand how it works yet, and that will also mean you write garbage tailwind tailwind isn't a shortcut to not having to write or understand CSS, it's just shorthand for prototyping and feature-poor frontend frameworks
admin.o7OP12mo ago
i wish i had money to hire kevin
Jochem12mo ago
you can watch his youtube videos for free 🙂
admin.o7OP12mo ago
he's just a wizard
Jochem12mo ago
he's a wizard cause he's practiced with it a ton, and kept up to date on changes
Sup3r12mo ago
@admin.o7 Learn HTML and CSS Semantics, along with best practices for both languages if you want to keep your project Scalable.
Aoi12mo ago
It is manageable if you maintain your code well or it can go south pretty quick,
marcw367012mo ago
Yeah the kicker to it, is you'll be waaaaaay better at using ANY tool whether it be tailwind, bootstrap, etc. if you understand CSS well enough to write it from scratch. There will always be some sort of bug or quirk to these frameworks that will drive you insane because you won't be able to figure out why things aren't working the way you expect them to. If you think CSS is mind numbing enough just trying to understand your own "non expert/beginner" level implementations of it..... try digging through files created by a bunch of interdimensional CSS warlocks who use tons of features you didn't even know existed while trying to figure out why your background won't change colors lol.
clevermissfox12mo ago
Exactly. I don't use tailwind bit since I know css I can just look up the classes I need for a friend's project I'm helping with that uses tw. I love writing css, coding wouldnt be nearly as fun without it for me personally

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