Railway4mo ago

Pricing Medium App ( Nextjs Strapi )

Hi, i have for a client a website host on Railway I have a traffic depending on the period of casting it's a Casting Agency. For one month, the client have to pay 77$, it's pretty expensive What can i do to lower the price ?
17 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Tyron4mo ago
Adam4mo ago
Mind sending a screenshot of their project’s pricing page? Can’t really suggest improvements without seeing where all the cost comes from
Tyron4mo ago
Here all the infos !
No description
No description
No description
Adam4mo ago
When did you deploy the app? Generally we recommend waiting for ~48 hours before the estimated pricing is accurate. Mentioning this because your cpu seems super low The algorithm has to see a period of regular usage before it can recommend an accurate estimate But for starters your RAM is pretty high. What do you have loaded into memory? Your egress seems high as well. Are you communicating with an external database?
Tyron4mo ago
I deploy the app 3 month ago I have on this project : - Save Up for the database - postgresql Databse - Strapi CMS - Nextjs APP And we retrieve data with AWS for all media ( 20 000 media) and i deploy change like maybe 4 times a week for adding functionnality Up ⬆️
Brody4mo ago
What can i do to lower the price
not much tbh, write efficient code, connect to any databases over the private network
Tyron4mo ago
Ok so it's just railway prices, I think I'll migrate elsewhere, at least the interface was good and simple! Thanks!
saintcore4mo ago
@Tyron If you are still around: Do you by any chances have to deal with large media files ? If so have a look at this https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1067670924385583114/1199361212408942734 or directly this https://github.com/strapi/strapi/issues/14417
Sharp - Media Upload Memory Leak · Issue #14417 · strapi/strapi
Bug report Required System information Node.js version: 14.19.1 NPM version: 6.14.16 Strapi version: 4.3.8 Database: PostgreSQL Operating system: Linux (Heroku) Describe the bug We have a website t...
Tyron4mo ago
@saintcore Interesting, thank man, was wondering for month why in production with large media I got this error
Brody4mo ago
and for clarity, it's not "just railways prices" there's nothing wrong with their costs for cpu and mem, it's simply that your app uses a lot of memory and you are charged accordingly
ThallesComH4mo ago
fr Strapi uses a lot of RAM, even for 3 users 💀
Tyron3mo ago
Ok got it with the RAM, i need to reduce the number of request with caching for example but for egress can you give me an indication for that ?
Attacler/Bart3mo ago
to decrease the egress usage, you could use something like Cloudflare to cache your html/css/js/imgs not sure if it will help with your RAM usage, it looks quite stable
ThallesComH3mo ago
and also make sure to use private networking whenever you can, private networking doesn't charge egrees
Brody3mo ago
hehe i did that