Expired Downloads

Hi There! I dont' know if this thread or the thread for general questions is the right one. But I will post it here just in case. I want to download the animation timeline on openbrush docs but it tells me the artifact has been expired when i click it for the quest 2. I've already looked at other threads if someone else found this problem but none yet. Would really like to try the feature out :). Thanks in advance 😄
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8 Replies
andybak•12mo ago
Hiya. Apologies for the slow reply (long holiday weekend here). Yeah - Github only keeps those files around for 30 days so they do expire. I just triggered a new build so they should be back again. We rely on people prodding us to do this occasionally! @mikeage Can you think of a way to automate this for all the branches listed in the docs?
mikeage•12mo ago
Merge them 🙂 Do you want to rerun, or merge with main and it'll automatically rerun? It should be easy enough to set a cron job to call the gh cli. I'll look.
andybak•12mo ago
Just rerun. Some aren't even PRs. Incidentally - I think the nightly.link points to builds triggered by [CI BUILD] (And not builds automatically triggered by a commit on a PR)
mikeage•12mo ago
Gotcha. So this will rerun a run:
gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run rerun 8519467050
gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run rerun 8519467050
However, I'm not sure if it works once it's expired. But we can run it every month or 60 days or so, and that should be enough. I assume if the branches are maintained, we might want to sync with main more or less frequently, and therefore this is primarily for when we don't
andybak•12mo ago
Yeah - I nearly always do a sync with main within 30 days - but you can guarantee the time I haven't is the time someone tries to download a build. And I don't link to builds unless I'm keeping them in sync
wendyhotdogqueenOP•12mo ago
No worries! & thanks i will look today if it works again 🙂 The download works again ! Thanks for the help 🙂
mikeage•12mo ago
Great! We'll try not to let them expire again! Note that this build is now updated with the latest from v2.7 as well, so you might spot a few new features 🙂
andybak•12mo ago
I'd be happy with a script I could run locally - but getting the id of the correct job is going to be tricky. this seems to work:
gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run list -b feature/whatever -L 1 -w Builds --json databaseId --jq '.[].databaseId'
gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run list -b feature/whatever -L 1 -w Builds --json databaseId --jq '.[].databaseId'
ChatGPT tells me I can combine them thusly:
gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run rerun $(gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run list -b feature/whatever -L 1 -w Builds --json databaseId --jq '.[].databaseId')
gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run rerun $(gh -R icosa-foundation/open-brush run list -b feature/whatever -L 1 -w Builds --json databaseId --jq '.[].databaseId')

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