Rendering a Table in a Livewire Component within a Modal

I'm following the example provided at, but I'm unable to display the table within a modal. When I use a route, the table functions correctly. This works: //web.php
Route::get('/solicitudes-pendientes', ListSolicitudesConductores::class);
Route::get('/solicitudes-pendientes', ListSolicitudesConductores::class);
class ListSolicitudesConductores extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable

use InteractsWithTable;
use InteractsWithForms;

public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...

// ...
public function render()
return view('livewire.list-solicitudes-conductores');
class ListSolicitudesConductores extends Component implements HasForms, HasTable

use InteractsWithTable;
use InteractsWithForms;

public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...

// ...
public function render()
return view('livewire.list-solicitudes-conductores');
{{ $this->table }}
{{ $this->table }}
if I try this, work as expected in modal:
{{ test }}
{{ test }}
However, the following does not work with the same Livewire component and Blade template:
Thanks in advance
5 Replies
Franco Miranda
Franco MirandaOP12mo ago
Sorry, i don't know how to quote correctly the code.
Franco Miranda
Franco MirandaOP12mo ago
No description
No description
Franco Miranda
Franco MirandaOP12mo ago
Patrick12mo ago
I have a modal with a table in it, this is my code:
class InterestsOverview extends Page implements HasTable
protected static string $resource = CourseResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.course-resource.pages.interests-overview';

protected static ?string $title = 'Interesse lijst';

use InteractsWithTable;

// table

public function table(Table $table) : Table
return $table
->label('Aantal geïnteresseerden')

Action::make('Medewerkers bekijken')

->modalContent(fn ($record): View => view(
['record' => $record],
new HtmlString('')

class InterestsOverview extends Page implements HasTable
protected static string $resource = CourseResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.course-resource.pages.interests-overview';

protected static ?string $title = 'Interesse lijst';

use InteractsWithTable;

// table

public function table(Table $table) : Table
return $table
->label('Aantal geïnteresseerden')

Action::make('Medewerkers bekijken')

->modalContent(fn ($record): View => view(
['record' => $record],
new HtmlString('')

and in that custom view there is only
{{-- The Master doesn't talk, he acts. --}}
{{ $this->table }}
{{-- The Master doesn't talk, he acts. --}}
{{ $this->table }}
are you sure you have fields in your table at all?
does this return the right columns?
Franco Miranda
Franco MirandaOP12mo ago
SolicitudConductorTableComponents::schema() does return the right columns. Any other suggestions? Solved. I was missing a blade file. ->modalContent(view('components.custom-list-solicitudes-conductores')) <div> @livewire('list-solicitudes-conductores') </div>

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