use `count` in db.query?

export function queryQuestions() {
return db.query.questionsTable.findMany({
limit: 5,
orderBy: ({ createdAt }, { desc }) => desc(createdAt),
with: {
author: true,
answers: {
extras: //
export function queryQuestions() {
return db.query.questionsTable.findMany({
limit: 5,
orderBy: ({ createdAt }, { desc }) => desc(createdAt),
with: {
author: true,
answers: {
extras: //
I am not fully understanding the API, require support
Solution: As of now aggregations are not supported in extras...
Drizzle ORM - Query
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
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2 Replies
piscopancerOP12mo ago
I need to count the number of answers
Mykhailo12mo ago As of now aggregations are not supported in extras
Drizzle ORM - Query
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.

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