Is LIMIT 0 possible?

In drizzle it seems that limit: 0 is the same as excluding the limit. However, in SQL it normally is supposed to return an empty set. I had tried this, but it returned all the logs regardless of includeLogs:
return await q.characters.findFirst({
with: {
user: true,
logs: {
with: {
dm: true,
magic_items_gained: true,
magic_items_lost: true,
story_awards_gained: true,
story_awards_lost: true
orderBy: (logs, { asc }) => asc(,
limit: includeLogs ? undefined : 0
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
return await q.characters.findFirst({
with: {
user: true,
logs: {
with: {
dm: true,
magic_items_gained: true,
magic_items_lost: true,
story_awards_gained: true,
story_awards_lost: true
orderBy: (logs, { asc }) => asc(,
limit: includeLogs ? undefined : 0
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
I ended up writing the query like this:
const character: (Character & { user: User; logs: LogData[] }) | undefined = await (async () => {
if (includeLogs) {
return await q.characters.findFirst({
with: {
user: true,
logs: {
with: {
dm: true,
magic_items_gained: true,
magic_items_lost: true,
story_awards_gained: true,
story_awards_lost: true
orderBy: (logs, { asc }) => asc(
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
} else {
return await q.characters
with: {
user: true
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
.then((c) => (c && { ...c, logs: [] }) || undefined);
const character: (Character & { user: User; logs: LogData[] }) | undefined = await (async () => {
if (includeLogs) {
return await q.characters.findFirst({
with: {
user: true,
logs: {
with: {
dm: true,
magic_items_gained: true,
magic_items_lost: true,
story_awards_gained: true,
story_awards_lost: true
orderBy: (logs, { asc }) => asc(
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
} else {
return await q.characters
with: {
user: true
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
.then((c) => (c && { ...c, logs: [] }) || undefined);
6 Replies
SillvvaOP12mo ago
Is this a bug?
SillvvaOP12mo ago
Yeah, looks like it's a bug.
const limitSql = limit ? sql` limit ${limit}` : undefined;
const limitSql = limit ? sql` limit ${limit}` : undefined;
It is checking that it's truthy and 0 is not.
drizzle-orm/drizzle-orm/src/pg-core/dialect.ts at ab1cfdf33f27e1df6...
Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too 😅 - drizzle-team/drizzle-orm
Sandvich12mo ago
It's probably not a bug because I would think the recommended way to do this is with a conditional field instead of limit 0.
return await q.characters.findFirst({
with: {
user: true,
...(includeLogs ?
logs: {
with: {
dm: true,
magic_items_gained: true,
magic_items_lost: true,
story_awards_gained: true,
story_awards_lost: true
orderBy: (logs, { asc }) => asc(,
: {})
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
return await q.characters.findFirst({
with: {
user: true,
...(includeLogs ?
logs: {
with: {
dm: true,
magic_items_gained: true,
magic_items_lost: true,
story_awards_gained: true,
story_awards_lost: true
orderBy: (logs, { asc }) => asc(,
: {})
where: (characters, { eq }) => eq(, characterId)
Sandvich12mo ago
Like in this example: (sorry about the formatting, I'm sure prettier will fix that)
Drizzle ORM - Select
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
SillvvaOP12mo ago
That sort of works, but makes a complete mess of the return type.
if (!character) return null;
const test = character.logs[0].dm // Error: dm does not exist
if (!character) return null;
const test = character.logs[0].dm // Error: dm does not exist
Or... they could support valid PG SQL syntax This kind of fixes it, but now I'm resorting to type assertions and giving up type safety.
.then((c) => c && { ...c, logs: "logs" in c ? (c.logs as LogData[]) : ([] as LogData[]) });
.then((c) => c && { ...c, logs: "logs" in c ? (c.logs as LogData[]) : ([] as LogData[]) });
SillvvaOP12mo ago
[FEATURE]: Add support for LIMIT 0 · Issue #2011 · drizzle-team/d...
Describe what you want I have a query that will conditionally exclude the relational data by setting the limit to 0. Drizzle treats this as omitting the limit, however in PostgreSQL this should ret...

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