Lag spikes every 5 seconds or so

I have my F3 console open. Every time the memory usage hits like 75-95%, a lag spike occurs and it goes straight back down to around 45-50% until the next lag spike. This happens at about every 5 seconds or so. Does this happen because of the original garbage collector mc uses? Also happens regardless of shaders, on or off. All my specs are displayed on the pinned screenshots. Aside from that, 12GB RAM allocated on base launcher w/ Aikar's flags (custom args but I also tried with base args, it's even worse), DH2 settings are maxed out (UPDATE: Not anymore, a renewed settings screenshot is shown under this post), 1.19.4, 82 mods Quilt install (including iris 1.6.11) with no mod compatibility issues afaik. And with all due respect, I'm sure the 1st person to answer will be like "Ofc it's gonna lag bro 82 mods install KEK". :cat_bruh: Like buddy, if you really want me to, I'll disable DH and record my screen to show you how entirely fine my mc runs lol. These spikes have appeared WITH DH. Maybe bottlenecked? Apart from the memory issue, my gpu isn't overloaded, my cpu is handling it well (UPDATE: currently runs at about 50% in the task manager when all the nearby chunks are loaded with "balanced" cpu load setting toggled in DH2 config (That's also what I'm currently using so do not refer to the DH2 cpu load setting displayed on the screenshot anymore.). Tested with every cpu load setting, various render distances ranging from 8 to 32, fps increase obv but lag spikes are still present. So my last resort was maybe more ram? Idrk. UPDATE N.2: An important detail I forgot to cover was that it also progressively gets worst as the minutes pass, so I don't think the problem is really my RAM allocation, I'm still supposing it's my garbage collector...
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12 Replies
pestormatx09OP12mo ago
- Updated DH2 settings - (Lag spikes are still in action...)
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sane12mo ago
distant generation uses tons of memory, so the garbage collector has a lot of work to do let it run overnight to have it generate all the lods here you have over a million world gen tasks thats gonna take a while
pestormatx09OP12mo ago
hm okay oof
sane12mo ago
itll generate as far as your lod render distance btw 2048 chunks is excessive imo i play on 256 myself
pestormatx09OP12mo ago
wow okay
sane12mo ago
but if you want to have it generate all that while youre asleep or smth like that you can do that
pestormatx09OP12mo ago
Natalya12mo ago
You can also lower the thread count of generation threads so it runs slower and generates garbage slower
pestormatx09OP12mo ago
Let me see Yeah all of these tips seem to be helping in their own way
Sent12mo ago
i think the same thing is happenign to me except its every second ill get like 101-70 then ill drop to like 30-50 then go right back ill try some of these tips
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
You could also try a different java distro like adoption or graalVM and taking a look at at these launch args
GitHub - brucethemoose/Minecraft-Performance-Flags-Benchmarks: Sane...
Sane, Benchmarked Java Flags and Tweaks for Minecraft - brucethemoose/Minecraft-Performance-Flags-Benchmarks
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Its what I use personally and I never have lag spikes anymore

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