FooterActions method not present in Filament\Forms\Components\Section;
For some reason, I have no footerActions method inside this class. According to the docs, this should be correct:
Which already gives me the following error:
Method Filament\Forms\Components\Section::footerActions does not exist.
The docs clearly state to add this use use Filament\Forms\Components\Section;
I checked the Section class but there is no function regarding footerActions there. Are the docs outdated in this regard, or what's happening here? 🤔11 Replies
Have you been able to solve this? I have the same problem
Check your actual installed version of filament. Run php artisan about
v3.2.0 ------ And no matter how much I try to update, it always leaves me in that version
You might have other dependencies that won’t allow you to update but latest version is 3.2.112, so unless you can update the footer actions aren’t available. Can you share your composer.json “require” object?
Try including the dependencies:
composer update filament/filament --with-all-dependencies
There it is, you have filament locked to 3.2, change that to ‘^3.2’
Now it updated correctly, but it started to show me the error "Undefined type 'Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn'.intelephense(P1009)" in ->columns([
TextColumn::make('status')) of my resources
You vs code might need to reindex
You're right, it was a huge mistake on my part not to have done it.
I don't recall what exactly was the problem here, vaguely I remember also having to upgrade my Filament version, so I'll mark that as the answer!