Is it possible to add custom variables for creating contracts in the Rich Editor?
I need to create a contract template where variables such as names, addresses, and personal documents can be inserted into the text using a variable.
7 Replies
use TipTap editor
that is a great package that allows you to add "Blocks"
you can customize those blocks for each variabl by @awcodes
Tiptap Editor by Adam Weston - Plugins - Filament
A Tiptap WYSISYG integration for Filament Admin/Forms.
super package
Im using it to add livewire components to my content, but you could use it for anything you want
If you use the Tiptap editor plugin, the feature you’re looking for is merge tags. No need for a block. It is up to you though to replace the tag in the output html.
"But I don't want to allow the user to enter the tag manually, as this would significantly increase the error rate due to variables with incorrect names."
I will test, my friend, thank you very much
They don’t enter the tag manually. You provide a list of tags. Then the user can choose them from the list.