Nuxt13mo ago

search page dont work

it only shows the result of the first search, to show the results of other searches, the user has to refresh the page
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30 Replies
JonathanOP13mo ago
code [...search].vue:
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const allProducts = ref([]);

const { data } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q: q }

allProducts.value = data.value;

watch(() => q, () => data.value, { immediate: true });
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const allProducts = ref([]);

const { data } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q: q }

allProducts.value = data.value;

watch(() => q, () => data.value, { immediate: true });
code layouts:
<script setup lang="ts">
const searchQuery = ref("");

const handleSearch = () => {
navigateTo({ path: "/search", query: { q: searchQuery.value } });
<script setup lang="ts">
const searchQuery = ref("");

const handleSearch = () => {
navigateTo({ path: "/search", query: { q: searchQuery.value } });
Kuroro13mo ago
Hi, trying to help :
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q }
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q }
You don't have to add an extra "watch" method because useFetch is already listening through options obj
JonathanOP13mo ago
dont worked : c
Kuroro13mo ago
just made a typo (i forgot to delete your allProducts ref)
JonathanOP13mo ago
that didn't work either
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const categoryLabels = ["Fitness Equipment", "Clothing", "Tops Wear", "Bottom Wear", "Other"];
const priceLabels = ["Under $50.00", "$50.00 - $100.00", "$100.00 - $200.00"];

const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q }
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const categoryLabels = ["Fitness Equipment", "Clothing", "Tops Wear", "Bottom Wear", "Other"];
const priceLabels = ["Under $50.00", "$50.00 - $100.00", "$100.00 - $200.00"];

const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q }
JonathanOP13mo ago
does it have something to do with the backend?
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JonathanOP13mo ago
i tried do this too, but it dont work too
<script setup>
const q = ref(useRoute().query.q);
const categoryLabels = ["Fitness Equipment", "Clothing", "Tops Wear", "Bottom Wear", "Other"];
const priceLabels = ["Under $50.00", "$50.00 - $100.00", "$100.00 - $200.00"];

const { data: allProducts, refresh } = await useAsyncData("allProducts", () => $fetch("/api/search.get", {
query: q.value
}), {
watch: [q]

title: `Search ${q.value ? `result for: ${q.value}` : "Result "} | CaliSaan`,
<script setup>
const q = ref(useRoute().query.q);
const categoryLabels = ["Fitness Equipment", "Clothing", "Tops Wear", "Bottom Wear", "Other"];
const priceLabels = ["Under $50.00", "$50.00 - $100.00", "$100.00 - $200.00"];

const { data: allProducts, refresh } = await useAsyncData("allProducts", () => $fetch("/api/search.get", {
query: q.value
}), {
watch: [q]

title: `Search ${q.value ? `result for: ${q.value}` : "Result "} | CaliSaan`,
Kuroro13mo ago
You can come back to your previous version (with useFetch)
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search", {
query: { q }
<script setup>
const { q } = useRoute().query;

const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search", {
query: { q }
You don't have to specify ".get" in "/api/search.get" If you want to specify the method (- not needed when it's GET request because its the default value) :
const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search", {
method: 'GET',
query: { q }
const { data: allProducts } = await useFetch("/api/search", {
method: 'GET',
query: { q }
it should work now you also should add console.log to your [...search].get.ts in order to see if you reach the endpoint (you would be able to determine your issue about your wrong API path if u had it before)
JonathanOP13mo ago
dont worked
JonathanOP13mo ago
could the problem be with the file name?
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JonathanOP13mo ago
and is it possible to send a props from search.vue to layouts? if so, how do i do that? i was thinking of doing something but i don't know if it will work
Kuroro13mo ago
Your second capture ! You still use /api/search.get Remove .get
JonathanOP13mo ago
too dont work bro bro, do you know how to get a props from search and send to layouts? im thinking do a thing
JonathanOP13mo ago
like, i im thinking get the "refresh" from search.vue and send to layouts, for the page to be loaded every time the user performs a search
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JonathanOP13mo ago
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Kuroro13mo ago
give me a reproduction on stackblitz you don't have to create a tricky behavior to do this
JonathanOP13mo ago
I made a new commit on the project's github without the search bar. Is it possible for me to create a project on stackblitz with an old version of the project? i had given up on adding the search bar to the project...
manniL13mo ago
best would be providing only the search bar there 😉 you want the reproduction as minimal as possible
JonathanOP13mo ago
Nuxt - Starter (forked) - StackBlitz
Create a new Nuxt project, module, layer or start from a theme with our collection of starters.
JonathanOP13mo ago
but it stay only on that screen, its ok?
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JonathanOP13mo ago
and my bad for my poor english
Kuroro13mo ago
i think we need to know your wanted behavior My guess is : - You can init the page with searched results through your query like : http://myurl.com?search=blablabla - Each time you're writing something in the search bar, it triggers again a fetch method, and write the search result in the URL query part : - So, if you type "product1" in the search bar - Your query URL will be : http://myurl.com?search=product1
JonathanOP13mo ago
can't it be done differently? I'd like it to be something like this: http://myurl.com/search?q=product1 like, first, if dont have a query, it to get all products, and when have a query, its to get all products from query i hope you understood, since my English isn't that good
Kuroro13mo ago
ok im gonna try something on a stackblitz repro then, will tell you soon
JonathanOP12mo ago
I managed to solve it, but there's a small bug. When I navigate between pages, go back to the home page, or click on an item, the items on the search page go into loading state, even though they shouldn't
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JonathanOP12mo ago
<div class="flex max-sm:flex-col">
<main class="flex flex-col mt-12 mb-8 mx-auto max-sm:mx-[1rem] max-md:mx-[3rem] max-lg:mx-[6rem] p-0 lg:p-5 lg:px-24 lg:py-0 sm:min-w-[30rem] lg:w-full">
<h2 class="mr-auto text-lg font-semibold">{{ search ? `Results found for: ${search}` : "All Products" }}</h2>

<ul v-if="!pending && !error" class="mt-8 relative grid grid-cols-2 max-sm:grid-cols-2 max-md:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-3 max-lg:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-7 items-start">
<li v-for="product in allProducts" :key="product.id" class="flex group border-2 border-gray">
<NuxtLink :to="`/product/${product.id}/${product.slug}`" class="p-5">
<div class="rounded-md bg-gray-200 group-hover:opacity-75">
<NuxtImg :src="product.imageSrc" :alt="product.imageAlt" loading="lazy" class="h-full w-full object-cover object-center lg:h-full lg:w-full" />
<div class="mt-4 flex justify-between">
<h3 class="text-sm text-gray-700">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="inset-0" />
{{ product.name }}
<p class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900">${{ product.price }}</p>

<SearchSkeleton v-if="pending" />

<div v-if="allProducts.length === 0" class="mt-auto h-full w-full">
<p class="text-lg text-center font-semibold">No results</p>

<script setup>
import useSearch from "~/utils/searchUtils";
const { search, doSearch } = useSearch();

const { data: allProducts, pending, error } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q: search }

title: `Search ${search.value ? `result for: ${search.value}` : "Result "} | CaliSaan`,
<div class="flex max-sm:flex-col">
<main class="flex flex-col mt-12 mb-8 mx-auto max-sm:mx-[1rem] max-md:mx-[3rem] max-lg:mx-[6rem] p-0 lg:p-5 lg:px-24 lg:py-0 sm:min-w-[30rem] lg:w-full">
<h2 class="mr-auto text-lg font-semibold">{{ search ? `Results found for: ${search}` : "All Products" }}</h2>

<ul v-if="!pending && !error" class="mt-8 relative grid grid-cols-2 max-sm:grid-cols-2 max-md:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-3 max-lg:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-7 items-start">
<li v-for="product in allProducts" :key="product.id" class="flex group border-2 border-gray">
<NuxtLink :to="`/product/${product.id}/${product.slug}`" class="p-5">
<div class="rounded-md bg-gray-200 group-hover:opacity-75">
<NuxtImg :src="product.imageSrc" :alt="product.imageAlt" loading="lazy" class="h-full w-full object-cover object-center lg:h-full lg:w-full" />
<div class="mt-4 flex justify-between">
<h3 class="text-sm text-gray-700">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="inset-0" />
{{ product.name }}
<p class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900">${{ product.price }}</p>

<SearchSkeleton v-if="pending" />

<div v-if="allProducts.length === 0" class="mt-auto h-full w-full">
<p class="text-lg text-center font-semibold">No results</p>

<script setup>
import useSearch from "~/utils/searchUtils";
const { search, doSearch } = useSearch();

const { data: allProducts, pending, error } = await useFetch("/api/search.get", {
query: { q: search }

title: `Search ${search.value ? `result for: ${search.value}` : "Result "} | CaliSaan`,
is it possible to fix this?
manniL12mo ago
Yes, it is You check for pending while you might want to check for pending and if there is no data yet
JonathanOP12mo ago
I couldn't solve it : ( I think the issue lies here:
import { ref } from "vue";
import { useRoute, useRouter } from "vue-router";

const useSearch = () => {
const route = useRoute();
const router = useRouter();
const searchQuery = ref("");

const q = computed({
get: () => {
return route.query.q
set: (val) => {
router.push({ path: "/search", query: { q: val } })

const doSearch = () => {
q.value = searchQuery.value;

return {

export default useSearch;
import { ref } from "vue";
import { useRoute, useRouter } from "vue-router";

const useSearch = () => {
const route = useRoute();
const router = useRouter();
const searchQuery = ref("");

const q = computed({
get: () => {
return route.query.q
set: (val) => {
router.push({ path: "/search", query: { q: val } })

const doSearch = () => {
q.value = searchQuery.value;

return {

export default useSearch;
JonathanOP12mo ago
and another issue arose: the checkboxes deactivate after the page is refreshed. I was hoping for them to remain active if any of them were in the URL
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JonathanOP12mo ago
i suspect the issue lies with the UCheckbox tags because when I log the selectedCategory and selectedPrice, the values from the URL appear

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