C#11mo ago

How to import objects from external, uncompiled .cs files?

Let's say I have a file named "myCustomObject.cs", and it has a class definition "customObject1". What would the best way to programmatically load myCustomObject and instantiate a customObject1, but dynamically-so? That is: Without any static references. I'm expecting that I have multiple objects defined in multiple files (under the same namespace, however) that I need to read and instantiate.
15 Replies
Angius11mo ago
No easy way whatsoever You would have to... dunno, read the file as text, then compile it to a DLL, then load that DLL While... somehow ensuring that the objects conform to some common interface Without, like, referencing that interface in those loose files... because they're loose files What are you trying to achieve?
PicarlOP11mo ago
I've just got a bunch of objects defined in .cs files that were generated dynamically, and now i'm trying to import them dynamically. ...but yeah: Everything I've found makes it look like i'm going to have to compile them.
Angius11mo ago
Well, yes, C# is a compiled language Why did you generate those objects as loose C# files and not, dunno, JSON? What are those objects? Just data?
PicarlOP11mo ago
I don't get a choice of how I get these objects, in this particular case. The objects are essentially the data.
Angius11mo ago
My condolences that you have to work with this shitshow, then
PicarlOP11mo ago
Yeah, it’s a weird one.
Lecco11mo ago
why it is need? it is impossible in compile language only possible in run-time language(like javascript)
PicarlOP11mo ago
Objects are generated by another program and output to a .cs file that contains a Namespace with a single class that contains defined members. I do not have any control or access over that other program/api.
Lecco11mo ago
As you know C# is compile language,it means can't load dynamic and run. of cousrse you can load data from ".cs" file.but can't run it's code.
PicarlOP11mo ago
Honestly: It's fine that I can't run the code - I just need the key:value pairings of the variable declarations and definitions. I'm learning how to use Roslyn to solve this problem.
Lecco11mo ago
yeah.it is posible. I am sorry. I think it is better to use File input.
Pobiega11mo ago
If you dont need to run it, just treat the files as text and write a parser that extracts the data you need?
leowest11mo ago
I mean you could technically run it as scripts in another app using ScriptEngine and get the values it would not be practical thou, as u would need to know which libraries to include to compile the script to run and also need to know the variables/methods u need to access to get the results. and given what you said, it would probably be easier to just parse the cs file
Lecco11mo ago
yeah.you are right exactly.
Pobiega11mo ago
If you want a hand on the parser, paste a file or two here 🙂 and tell exactly what you want extracted

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