Filament13mo ago

Email verification customisation.

After the email has been verified, I would like to create an account on Stripe. How do I customise email verification?.
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3 Replies
Jonay.Medina12mo ago
Hi, did you find out how to solve it? I need to modify the password reset email, but I have not gotten information on how I could do it
Tony Piper
Tony Piper11mo ago
When the user verifies their email address, Filament dispatches Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified event with the $user available as a property. You can create a listener (https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/events#defining-listeners) and do your Stripe API calls from there (ideally via a queue - see https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/events#queued-event-listeners). Does this help?
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SourabhOP11mo ago
I have overridden default reset password class and add my custom notification
class AppPanelProvider extends PanelProvider
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
->passwordReset(RequestPasswordReset::class, ResetPassword::class)
//RequestPassword class
class RequestPasswordReset extends BaseRequestPasswordResetPage
public function request(){
//some code
//my custom notification class
$notification = new ResetPasswordNotification($token);
class AppPanelProvider extends PanelProvider
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
->passwordReset(RequestPasswordReset::class, ResetPassword::class)
//RequestPassword class
class RequestPasswordReset extends BaseRequestPasswordResetPage
public function request(){
//some code
//my custom notification class
$notification = new ResetPasswordNotification($token);

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