Adding Mobile OTP verification in Filament registration and login.
How to have Mobile OTP verification during Filament registration and Login. I wanted to achieve Email MustVerification and Mobile Phone must verification. It will be great if we have both on same page.
6 Replies
hi did you find any solution?
hey! here is some variant:
thanks for response but my actuall problem is that i don't know how to change the logic of login register. do you have any idea?
yep. i had override base laravel session with my custom
well, actually its should be another topic, but for short, i will leave example here:
in my EloquentUserProvider i had override validateCredentials() method to check only phone
+ config/auth.php
is it fine for filament 3?
its about laravel, not filament
btw i have latest environment:
php: 8.3.3
laravel: 10.47.0
filament: 3.2.46