Selection tools not working when sketch has layers

I have found an issue where the selection tools do not work when there is more than the Main Layer. The select tool works, but the "Select All" and "Select Inverse" do not. I have created this video to demonstrate what is going on.
Kevin W. Tharp
Open Brush Selection tool error with layers on
This video is here to help developers at Open Brush understand an issue with the selection tools when layers are turned on.
12 Replies
andybak•11mo ago
Thanks! That video is really, really helpful. Surprised that slipped through the net - and surprised it's taken this long for someone to report it!
Kevin W. Tharp
Kevin W. TharpOP•11mo ago
I caught it because I was trying to teach students about the function. I want to take the next step to helping with the documentation of Open Brush. I have a ton of written and video material I can contribute to help people see the possibilities of this software.
andybak•11mo ago
I can't begin to express how helpful that would be! Just pushed a quick fix for this issue - but it's raised some issues about what the correct behaviour is in various cases
Kevin W. Tharp
Kevin W. TharpOP•11mo ago
I just need to figure out what contributing to the documents looks like. Yeah, I know there is some discussion about layers and appropriate behavior. I appreciate you pushing out that fix.
andybak•11mo ago
It's only in the beta at the moment. Are you familiar with how to switch to the beta version?
Kevin W. Tharp
Kevin W. TharpOP•11mo ago
While I am running a class teaching this stuff, I am going to stick to the official version.
andybak•11mo ago
Well - the beta is official! It's the official beta 🙂
Kevin W. Tharp
Kevin W. TharpOP•11mo ago
I mean the version my students are running.
andybak•11mo ago
Well - you can all use the beta and then you're in a great position to give feedback! I'm only being half serious - but... we seriously need more people using the beta - and it does get new features a lot faster.
Kevin W. Tharp
Kevin W. TharpOP•11mo ago
I see where you are going, but managing the technology for a course like this is already a challenge.
andybak•11mo ago
It's a vicious circle. We can't release faster because we don't get enough feedback on beta features so the beta has all the features but they don't get any testing so they stay in the beta version. Arggghhhh!
Kevin W. Tharp
Kevin W. TharpOP•11mo ago
After I get through this class, I'm on board.

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