Filament13mo ago

unable to call method

I am new to filament, and got assigned to a project to make a custom field for searching location through google maps api. I am getting a little stick here. I'm using
to try and call a method in my component class (GeoMap), but keep getting this error Unable to call component method. Public method [newLocations] not found on component. When I post this method in my CreateLocation class it does work however. What is the reason for this, and how can I fix this?
// GeoMap.php
class GeoMap extends Field
use HasExtraAlpineAttributes;

protected string $view = 'forms.components.geo-map';

protected float | Closure $lat = 0;

protected float | Closure $lon = 0;

public function getMapsUrl(): string
return MapsHelper::getMapUrl();

public function newLocations($address): array
return MapsHelper::getLocations($address);
// GeoMap.php
class GeoMap extends Field
use HasExtraAlpineAttributes;

protected string $view = 'forms.components.geo-map';

protected float | Closure $lat = 0;

protected float | Closure $lon = 0;

public function getMapsUrl(): string
return MapsHelper::getMapUrl();

public function newLocations($address): array
return MapsHelper::getLocations($address);
2 Replies
kianOP13mo ago
// geo-map.blade.php
<div x-data="{ state: $wire.$entangle('{{ $getStatePath() }}') }"
<script defer>
function loadAddresses($addresses) {
:valid="! $errors->has($statePath)"
x-on:keyup.debounce.400ms="async () => {
let addresses = await $wire.newLocations($event.target.value);
'required' => true,
'placeholder' => 'Enter location'
// geo-map.blade.php
<div x-data="{ state: $wire.$entangle('{{ $getStatePath() }}') }"
<script defer>
function loadAddresses($addresses) {
:valid="! $errors->has($statePath)"
x-on:keyup.debounce.400ms="async () => {
let addresses = await $wire.newLocations($event.target.value);
'required' => true,
'placeholder' => 'Enter location'
It seems like $wire is just not getting to the right file?
Saade13mo ago
Form fields are not Livewire components. That's why $wire points to the page (because the page is a Livewire component, not the field). You'll need to dispatch an event to your field. See how its done: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Asaade%2Ffilament-adjacency-list%20builder%3A%3Asort&type=code

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