Filament13mo ago

These credentials do not match our records.

I tried logging in with correct credentials and this is what I encounter. My friend is using windows and we pulled from master and did all the composer and npm without an error and imported the same database. He was able to login but in my case I got 'These credentials do not match our records.'. I even try to change it's password but still got the same error
17 Replies
makmakOP13mo ago
I use this seeder to change password and I double check if the password is really password123 and still have the same error 'These credentials do not match our records.'
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makmakOP13mo ago
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acroninja10mo ago
hey @makmak did you find out what was happening here. I have the same issue. Reseeded a fresh install and many users reporting These credentials do not match our records. Even though the password is correct
Tally10mo ago
maybe try to make another user and check if that works?
php artisan make:filament-user
php artisan make:filament-user
Jon Mason
Jon Mason8mo ago
I have been dealing with this issue intermittently for a while and have been unable to figure out what's causing it. My application is in production and users will initially be able to log in and then the next time they go to log in they'll get this message. If I clear out the email_verified_at field in the database and resend the invite, it works again, but I really need to get this figured out. Did you have any luck?
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira8mo ago
What's your APP_ENV value? Last time I had this problem I had it set to production instead of local. Also check if in your User model you have the function
public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool
return true;
public function canAccessPanel(Panel $panel): bool
return true;
awcodes8mo ago
Are you using uuid for the user?
Jon Mason
Jon Mason8mo ago
no uuid, just standard bigint. The APP_ENV is not the issue, nor is the canAccessPanel method. The only thing I can think of is that somehow the password is getting hashed twice somewhere, but I'm not doing anything super custom on the login side. It's just standard filament. The latest user sent me their password and after hashing it and comparing it to the stored value in the DB, they were not the same. I updated it to the hashed value of what he says his password is and now it's working fine. I thought it had something to do with the remember token for a minute, because that seemed to be a common factor, until this user today, he didn't have that token set. The remember functionality doesn't seem to be working at all, so there may be something I've not implemented correctly.
awcodes8mo ago
odd. wonder if it has something to do with laravel 11 automatically casting the passowrd as 'hashed'
Jon Mason
Jon Mason8mo ago
i'm on laravel 10.10
awcodes8mo ago
then i definitely don't know. lol.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason8mo ago
awcodes8mo ago
nothing else is coming to mind out of the box that would cause the password to get hashed twice.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason8mo ago
ok, I'll keep monitoring and maybe I can figure out the common denominator.
awcodes8mo ago
are you using breeze or jetstream? the intermittentcy is just really odd.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason8mo ago
that's what has me puzzled. I'm not using either of those. Just out-of-the-box filament. well I say that, I do have a different setup in that I create the user account and send them an email. It's not an app where they can register themselves. So I have internal users (work for me at my company) and external users. I don't recall having this issue on any internal users. I have an Authenticate middleware for internal users and an AuthenticateClient middleware for external users. Here's that code, is there anything about it that looks suspect? I just don't understand why it would be so intermittent.
class AuthenticateClient extends Middleware
* @param array<string> $guards
protected function authenticate($request, array $guards): void

$guard = Filament::auth();

if (!$guard->check()) {
$this->unauthenticated($request, $guards);



/** @var Model $user */
$user = $guard->user();

$panel = Filament::getCurrentPanel();

$user instanceof FilamentUser ?
(!$user->canAccessPanel($panel)) : (config('app.env') !== 'local'),

protected function redirectTo($request): ?string
return Filament::getLoginUrl();
class AuthenticateClient extends Middleware
* @param array<string> $guards
protected function authenticate($request, array $guards): void

$guard = Filament::auth();

if (!$guard->check()) {
$this->unauthenticated($request, $guards);



/** @var Model $user */
$user = $guard->user();

$panel = Filament::getCurrentPanel();

$user instanceof FilamentUser ?
(!$user->canAccessPanel($panel)) : (config('app.env') !== 'local'),

protected function redirectTo($request): ?string
return Filament::getLoginUrl();
I dunno...none of that looks problematic to me.
awcodes8mo ago
Yea, I don’t see anything here that would affect the password.

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