What is the "Filament way" of showing a dismissible alert
I want to show a dismissible alert at the top of a custom page if the session / view data has a certain value. Is there an existing blade component that does that?
See attached Tailwind UI example of what I am looking for.
7 Replies
closest thing would be a modal with a close button
can't find any alert components in filament
Thanks @Patrick1989 Its not really a modal effect I am looking for
Think making your own small alert livewire component would do the trick tho
Yeah you are right, was trying to avoid technical debt / non-comformity
But after checking, I don't think there is anything like this as a component.
yea always good to check if ur not reinventing the wheel
Shout by Adam Weston - Filament
A simple inline contextual notice for Filament Forms, basically just a fancy placeholder.
Looks good, thanks