USA brands comparable to all saints?
I like the aesthetic of all saints but believe the price didn’t match the quality.
Any similar brands?¤cy=USD&utm_content=44997669301&utm_term=pla-371047099080&utm_channel=low_nd_shopping_lia&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=664982305&adpos=&creative=231115860168&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&acctid=21700000001689570&dskeywordid=92700049880715384&lid=92700049880715384&ds_s_kwgid=58700005468304902&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007631122&dsproductgroupid=371047099080&product_id=6967085&merchid=1243147&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=local&storeid=349&locationid=9030995&targetid=pla-371047099080&campaignid=664982305&adgroupid=44997669301&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD8eAElqn8CjqjyfIhl0M8a247tVy&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5rGuBhCnARIsAN11vgSLtnec68PA7IhzfTxN7BOaUPPoukTWj-3VHWiY6waStup_gX2GrOoaAiHDEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
18 Replies
I would look for allsaints secondhand on eBay. It holds its value terribly so secondhand prices are a fraction of retail.
I feel like all saints is an our legacy wannabe
also i don't think inflated pricing is limited to european countries
fear of god essentials hits on that same kinda hypey vibe
True! I just think the all saints logo looks cooler in white/black
Is sweatshirt or hoodie more versatile
personal preference
what else would you be wearing this with?
I didn’t give it any thought probably just throw on jeans
That looks exactly like something essentials would offer
honestly not a whole lot of difference between sweatshrt and hoodie
i've got a ton of all saints stuff (i just really like the logo) and agree some of their stuff feels a bit overpriced but they do have some good sales every now and then. if you have access to one of their outlet stores, the sales get even better
Between the hoodie and sweatshirt I linked which would u get?
was going to say the exact same thing - i’ve seen Fear of God Essentials discounted heavily at Nordstrom online for example
Personally I like the sweatshirt
Honestly? Bit of John Varvatos
It looks even more exactly like a Represent hoodie
Which are certainly better construction than all saints (low bar)
Oh you aren’t kidding lol
Never heard of represent
I think they're a UK brand, probably as popular mainstream as fog essentials in NA
Which Fog essentials is a black sweatshirt or hoodie? I can’t find that color in USA