bad teammatching

can i report teammate for dying in second and breaking up my rank?
5 Replies
wiçkêdwičk14mo ago
What would be the reason for reporting them?
Zuelle14mo ago
Hi, @RafaelZKai. You may directly report them in-game if you find that they are not cooperating well. However, your elimination from the match is not your teammate's entire responsibility. ☺️
Zimowy Rafi :)
Zimowy Rafi :)OP14mo ago
i mean like bro go on bad location and die instalty while landing instead of going somewhere else and tactical getting down enemy, 3 bros go and die i go some near get weapon try shoot enemy and what entire team target me no chance to win. sometimes i get normal te but gosh it's like 1 per 3matching, im not at crown rank and i have to use rank protection cards to don't fall back to diamond im getting crown- conqueror teammatching but i feel like it give me diamond or lover players who touch PUBG first time or even some bots who can't scope right, btw last round teammate randomly throw mojotov on Me and other teammate while we were on enemy's death crate getting loot.
Zuelle14mo ago
We understand your frustration. Random teammates can sometimes be challenging to play with as each player has a unique game style — if you'd like PUBG MOBILE to improve its matchmaking please feel free to create a report of your suggestion/s in the #feedback channel. For the molotov incident, the report button has been made for you to utilize. :kirbydance:
Yirama14mo ago
Welcome to PUBG mobile. Try finding randoms that talk the same language and after that don’t play with randoms. This games matchmaking ensures to give you the worst players on earth or you get carried by a random 3 person squad (first happens most).

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